- Ann hit the sandbag with her fist. 安妮用拳头沙袋。
- Sean, did you throw the sandbag? 咦?肖恩选手,你已经把沙包扔了么?
- I'll lay down the tracks sandbag and hide. 你留下只有你自己认识的记号,建起堡垒,然后隐藏的无影无踪。
- With the patient prone, support the leg on a large sandbag. 患者取俯卧位,小腿下垫一大沙袋。
- No damage in the wall panel and door after hit by 75kg sandbag. 以75公斤重沙袋对板壁及门进行横向撞击试验,没有损坏。
- He is as much out of his element as an eel in a sandbag. 如鳝落沙袋,他浑身不自在。
- Sandbag, wooden dummy, tripodic dummy, suspended spring, etc. 沙袋,木人桩,三脚桩(没听说过),悬簧(不知是啥),等等。
- He balled up his fist and hitted the sandbag as hard as he could. 他攥紧了拳头,用尽全身力气狠狠击打在沙袋上。
- The tools for this are sticks, flog, backsword, sandbag and so on. 此外还有流刑、 徒刑等 籍没之法:籍没法是贯穿辽朝始终的一项重要刑罚制度。
- Children kicked sandbag, Tongxin County, Ningxia, China. 在宁夏同心县,孩子们在踢沙包。
- The boxing sandbag or slam man is applied to all the adults and the kids. 该产品使用安全方便,适合男女老少各个阶层使用。
- But it is a meagre sandbag against the rising waters of unemployment. 但这对不断增加的失业人数来说,只是杯水车薪。
- The lateral approach also can be made with the patient supine by placing a sandbag under the ipsilateral buttock, internally rotating the hip, and inverting the foot. 外侧人赂同样也可在患者仰卧位下进行,但需在患侧臀部下垫沙袋,内旋患侧髋关节,并将足内翻。
- The main unqualified item of wooden door product is formaldehyde releases quantity and wooden door sandbag to pound. 木门产品的主要不合格项目是甲醛释放量和木门沙袋冲击。
- Triad: The dummy is made by integrating tumbler sandbag and speed ball as well as wooden dummy. 三位同体桩身集不倒翁沙包及速度球和木人桩一体制造。
- It's as though you were carrying around an overstuffed sandbag, and each step costs you a huge effort! 看起来你好像是正在背着一只过重的沙袋到处走,每一步都非常辛苦!
- The way to learn and do practice are lifting stub, hitting river sands, grapping iron sandbag with hands. 练功方法主要通过抓沙袋、河沙、树桩等手段,来提高豹爪的抓击力;
- Not only that, but wise companies over-hire to sandbag against employee dropout. 不仅如此,一些聪明的企业会进行冗余招聘以对抗员工流失。
- Multi-purpose: the dummy has functions of tumbler sandbag and speed ball as well as wooden dummy at the same time. 一物多用桩身同时拥有不倒翁沙袋及速度球和木人桩的使用功能。
- Crews are rushing to build a four-foot-tall sandbag levee around an eastern Missouri community. 救援人员正忙着在密苏里东部地区的一个社区周围建立一个四英尺高的沙袋筑成的防洪大堤。