- Triangular part of the scapula (shoulder blade) protruding laterally that forms the point of the shoulder. 肩胛骨的三角形部分在侧面突出并形成的肩膀顶点。
- The surgeon reset her broken shoulder blade. 外科医生把她摔断的肩胛骨重新接好。
- I have a pain in and around the shoulder blade. 我肩甲骨内及周围痛。
- The bruise hurt more, so I didn't notice the pain in my shoulder blade. 瘀伤较疼,所以我没注意到肩甲骨的痛。
- Sol-leks was limping, and Dub was suffering from a wrenched shoulder blade. 杜波因扭伤了一个肩胛而痛苦不已。
- The upper arm joins the shoulder blade in an approximate right angle. 上臂以适当的直角与肩胛连接。
- There, a little below the right shoulder blade, and to the side, his scalpel would enter. 他的刀要从那儿进去,在右边肩胛骨下面一点儿,靠边上的地方。
- Open fracture of scapula; Open fracture of shoulder blade 肩胛骨开放性骨折
- Shoulder blade sloping at a 45-degree angle, meeting the upper arm at a 90-degree angel. 肩胛骨与地面呈45度,与上臂的夹角呈90度。
- Then let mine arm fall from my shoulder blade, and mine arm be broken from the bone. 情愿我的肩头从缺盆骨脱落,我的膀臂从羊矢骨折断。
- A cut of beef extending from the neck to the ribs and including the shoulder blade. 颈肉包含肩胛骨的从脖子到肋骨的牛肉
- The shoulder blade is well laid back and approximately the same length as the upper foreleg. 头部高昂,尾巴上翘。
- No sooner had she noticed this than she felt something sharp pierce the skin over her right shoulder blade. 没有多久她就发现了这一点,什么东西尖锐的刺破了她右肩后面的皮肤。
- The bullet hit him squarely between the shoulder blades. 子弹恰巧打在他的肩胛骨之间。
- I think there is a letter H on his shoulder blade formed by this incessant chewing. 我觉得在它持续的咀嚼中它的肩膀慢慢的呈现出了一个像刀锋状的H。
- Put a hand on beneficiary's shoulder, stroke with another hand from shoulder blade to either side of the small of the back. 一只手扶住受术者肩部,另一只手全掌,分别从背部的肩胛部着力,推抚至腰骶处止。
- The angulation of the pelvis and upper thigh corresponds to the angulation of the shoulder blade and upper arm, forming an approximate right angle. 前臂,与肩胛骨长度一致,与肩胛骨的角度接近直角,前肢正好在肩胛正下方,垂直于地面。
- Shoulder --shoulderblade well laid back.Upper arm equal in length to and forming a nearlyright angle with the shoulder blade. [前躯] 肩胛:肩胛骨向后倾斜,上臂骨的长度与肩胛骨大致相等,且上臂骨与肩胛骨形成接近直角的角度。
- Example: An upper arm that is 1/8 inch shorter than the shoulder blade and foreleg could be a whole inch shorter as an adult. 比如,一只幼犬,上臂骨比肩胛骨和前腿短1/8英寸,成年后会短足足一英寸。
- The thighbone should be set into the pelvis at a right angle corresponding to the angle of the shoulder blade and upper arm. 马肩隆仅被脊椎分开,但肩胛骨必须充分向外倾斜,给肋骨提供足够的扩张空间。