- A scholar at court is an ass among ape. 宫廷里的学究是在猴子群里的驴子。
- He is a man with an artistic temperament. 他是个有艺术家气质的男子。
- He is thought to be a scholar in the village. 在村里,人们把他看作是位“秀才"。
- She is possessed of a wonderfully calm temperament. 她性情非常文静。
- My tutor is an accomplished scholar. 我的导师是一位学识渊博的学者。
- Some actresses and opera singers have temperament. 有些女演员和唱歌剧者容易兴奋。
- How many visiting scholars have come? 有多少访问学者来了?
- I've got a very nervous temperament. 我很神经质。
- He is not so much a writer as a scholar. 与其说他是作家倒不如说他是学者。
- We all listened to the venerable scholar with awe. 我们都怀着敬畏之心倾听着这位德高望重的学者的讲话。
- He went abroad to study as a scholar. 他作为奖学金获得者赴外学习。
- Inherent quality of character and temperament. 内在的气质性格、脾气的内在气质
- The gleanings of patient scholars. 耐心的学者一点点收集的结晶
- A great scholar is not always a very wise man. 一位伟大的学者未必一定是极聪明的人。
- The scholar is an exact thinker. 这位学者思维严谨。
- The scholar never flourished his knowledge. 那位学者从不炫耀知识。
- He is a famous Confucian scholar. 他是一位有名望的研究孔子的学者。
- Commuting in the rush-hour requires a phlegmatic temperament. 在上下班交通高峰期间乘坐通勤车要有安之若素的心境。
- I inferred from what you said that he would make a scholar. 我从你所说的事推测,他将成为一位学者。
- Jack is a scholar steeped in the classics of ancient China. 杰克是一位精通中国古代经典著作的学者。