- An improved self tuning generalized predictive control (GPC) algorithm is presented for SISO multirate system where the sampling rate of the output is slower than the updating rate of the input. 针对输出采样速率比输入更新速率慢的多频系统,提出了一种改进的广义预测自校正控制算法。
- Bace on the Document[5], with regard to the further general multivariable stockastic system, this paper suggests a model reference self adaptive control method. 在文献 [5]的基础上 ;对于更一般的多变量随机系统 ;提出了一种模型参考自适应控制算法 .
- In this paper with the system of self synchronization of EMF zero value, a new mathod to adjust lead angle is developed which is based on adaptive control principle. 本文结合旋转电势换向自同步闭环系统的研究,提出了基于自适应原理的步进电动机自同步闭环系统超前角的控制方式。
- A fuzzy adaptive control method is proposed for a flexible robot manipulator. 摘要提出了一种用于柔性机器人操作臂控制的模糊自适应控制策略。
- Isermann, Rolf, “Adaptive control systems,” Prentice Hall, New York, 1992. 韩曾晋,“适应控制系统,”科技图书股份有限公司
- It is compared with the traditional model free adaptive control (MFAC). 比较了该控制方法与非线性跟踪微分器的控制效果。
- In process control, an aNN could provide advanced adaptive control with the ability to tune controllers in real time in response to control conditions, drawing from it's experience of previous system parameter patterns. 在过程控制中,aNN可以提供高级的自适应控制。在过程控制中,aNN可以提供高级的自适应控制,具有使控制器实时调谐并响应控制条件的能力,并能调用过去的系统参数类型中的经验。
- Real-time fuzzy self tuning controller 实时模糊自调节控制器
- The research of drum level control of boiler based on self tuning fuzzy PID 基于模糊PID参数自调整的锅炉汽包水位控制设计
- a single neural self - adaptive control 单神经元自适应控制
- A microcomputer controlled IGBT inverter power source for pulsed MIG welding is developed.It realizes the self adaptive control and closed loop control of arc voltage in pulsed MIG welding process. 建立了微机控制和IGBT逆变式脉冲MIG焊电源系统,实现了MIG焊接过程弧压自适应闭环控制。
- Application of Hysteresis Switching in Adaptive Control of Coal-fired Power Plant Boiler Drum Level P. 内蒙古大学滞后切换自适应控制策略应用于电站锅炉汽包水位控制。
- Adaptive control behavior is control behavior that is customized for target devices. 自适应控件行为是为目标设备自定义的控件行为。
- Heat treatment Furnace Self tuning system based on Neural Network 基于神经网络的热处理炉温度自校正控制系统
- The engine state is monitored by nonlinear method cooperated with model reference adaptive control, which avoids flameout or fly-off. 对发动机状态进行非线性参考模型自适应监测,可以有效地防止发动机熄火或失速。
- An adaptive control method for chaos oscillation in power system is put forward in this paper. 摘要提出了电力系统混沌振荡自适应控制的一种方法。
- SCATS control system is a real-time options adaptive control system, developed by Australia. SCATS 控制系统是一种实时方案选择式自适应控制系统,由澳大利亚开发。
- It is based on the simple adaptive control(SAC) theory and the intelligent neural network(NN). 该方法运用简单自适应理论结合了神经网络技术用于多变量系统。
- In order to improve the system performance, an approach of combining QFT and adaptive control is presented. 为了进一步改善系统性能,在QFT的基础上提出了QFT与自适应控制相结合的方案。