- Can you send one of your minions to collect this file? 你能不能派个助手来取这份档案?
- Send one's (dirty) washing to the laundry. 把要洗的(脏)衣物送到洗衣店去.
- What time can you send one over? 那你们什么时候能派人来呢?
- By the gods! Why would Athena send one such as you? 众神在上!为什么雅典娜女神会送来一个像你这样的家伙?
- CYNTHIA: Good. Send one of them to me. 好。让他们中的一个来见我。
- You've got to send one right now. 你必须现在派人来。
- Send one's(dirty)washing to the laundry. 把要洗的(脏)衣物送到洗衣店去.
- Send one byte of urgent data on the socket. 在套接字上发送一个字节的紧急数据。
- Oh,no! I get a new year's card from someone I do not send one to. 哦,糟了!我没寄贺卡去,而人家给我寄来了。
- Oh,no! I got a New Year's card from someone I did not send one to. 哦,糟了!我没寄贺卡去,而人家给我寄来了。
- Send one or more of the open documents as email attachments. 把一个或多个打开的文档作为电子邮件附件发送。
- Send one TXT and all of your friends get the message. 发送一个文本和您所有的朋友得到的讯息。
- Could you send one cab to the front entrance of the Central Theater? 您可以派一辆出租车到中央戏院的前门吗?
- Would you mind if I sent one back here to you? 你是否介意我与你书信交往?
- I'll draw up a draft of the contract and send one when you get back to Japan. 我将拟订合同草案,阁下返回日本后即可寄上一份。
- Can you duplicate these letters for me and send one to every student? 这些信件你能否给我复印一下,分发给学生每人一封?
- I send my regards to him with earnestness. 我向他表达了诚挚的问候。
- It's very expensive. Can I send one of these by unaccompanied baggage? 太贵了,我可以将一件以不随机行李方式运送吗?
- Oracle of Athens: By the gods! Why would Athena send one such as you?! 雅典娜祭司:“众神在上!为什么雅典娜女神会送来一个像你这样的家伙?”
- He immediately sent one of his layers to investigate the matter. 他立即派出一位律师前去调查。