- Thrust ball bearing is separable bearing and only can be subject to axial load. 推力球轴承为可分离型轴承,只能承受轴向载荷。
- This separable bearing can support axial load with low limit rotation speed, and has single and double direction two kinds. 这种轴承为可分离型轴承,只能承受轴向负荷,极限转速低。可分为单向和双向两种。
- Four pionts angle contact ball bearing is separable bearing,it can be subject to bi-directional load and have the function of both single row and double rows bearings. 四点接触球轴承为可分离型轴承,可承受双向轴向载荷,并有单列和双列角接触球轴承的功能。
- With separable bearings, the ring with the rolling element and cage assembly can be removed independently of the other ring. 对于分离型轴承,带有滚动部件和保持架组件的套圈可以与另一套圈分开拆卸。
- The separable bearings of series NKXR, on the other hand, should preferably be lubricated with oil, as an adequate oil supply is relatively easy to arrange. 另一方面,NKXR系列的可分离型轴承最好应用油来润滑,因为比较容易供应足够的油。
- Unilateralism trust ball bearing is separability bearing, it is made by axial ring, washer, ball and retainer. 单向推力球轴承是可分离型轴承。
- When the axial component of combined loads is large, it may be supported independently from the radial load by a separate bearing. 当混合负荷中的轴向负荷很大时,可以与径向负荷分开,由另外一个轴承独立支承。
- Where operating conditions necessitate interference fits and it is essential that mounting and dismounting can be done easily, separable bearings, or bearings with a tapered bore may be used. 在运行状况要求过盈配合,同时需要安装与拆卸方便的情况下,可以使用可分离型轴承,或带有圆锥孔的轴承。
- The thrust force ball bearing is the separation bearing acts accordingto its structural style to divide into the unidirectional thrust forceball and the bidirectional thrust force ball bearing. 推力球轴承是分离型轴承 根据其结构形式分为单向推力球和双向推力球轴承。
- It seems so absurd to bear malice after all that. 经过这一切之后还抱有怨恨情绪是很荒谬的。
- The old veteran had a martial bearing. 那老兵具有威武的仪表。
- The lower part of the pipe is separable from the upper part. 管子的下部可与上部分开。
- He whipped up a pistol and shot at the black bear. 他急忙抓起手枪,向那头黑熊射击。
- I can't bear having a cat in the house. 家中养猫我受不了。
- I can't bear young people casting away their youth. 我无法忍受年轻人虚掷青春。
- It was more than flesh and blood could bear. 这是血肉之躯无法忍受的。
- The experimental results bear out our supposition. 实验结果证实了我们的假设。
- Search of knowledge and love of study are in separable. 追求知识与爱好学习是不可分割的。
- The nurse will tell you when to bear down. 护士会告诉你分娩过程中什么时候该用力。
- Surely there is a limit to what one can bear. 人的忍耐肯定是有限度的。