- They settled the case out of court. 他们的案子在法庭外解决了。
- The two parties have agreed to setle the case out of court. 双方已同意庭外解决此案。
- See if you can settle the case out of court,I Don't want my son's good name dragged through the mud. 你看能否私下了结这桩案子,我不希望儿子的名声受到玷污。
- The case will be settled out of court. 这个案件将不通过法庭而私下解决。
- She has discussed the matter with her lawyer,and they have decided to settle the case out of court. 她已经和她的律师商量过这件事,他们决定不诉诸法院,而要私下解决这个案件。
- She has discussed the matter with her lawyer, and they have decided to settle the case out of court. 她已经和她的律师商量过这件事,他们决定不诉诸法院,而要私下解决这个案件。
- Their allegations were simply laughed out of court. 他们提出的指责均不屑一顾。
- This case has been settled out of court. 这案件已经在庭外解决。
- The two companies settled out of court. 两家公司在法院外了结了争端。
- reconciliation;to settle a case out of court 和解
- The case was settled out of court. 这案件在庭外解决。
- The sheer cost of the scheme puts it right out of court. 这一方案所需费用庞大,不值得考虑。
- Don't make a Federal case out of it! 别小题大做!
- His contentions cannot be laughed out of court. 对他的争辩不能一笑置之。
- Well that's my theory ruled out of court. 唉,那就是我遭到摒弃的意见。
- The charges were thrown out of court. 这些指控未予受理。
- The nationalists have put themselves out of court as desirable rulers of their communities. 那些民族主义者做出的令人不齿之事证明他们不够资格做他们的社区的统治者。
- With much commiseration she taken out of court. 大家都觉得她十分可怜,便把她带到法庭外边去。
- He will not come in nine cases out of ten. 他十之八九不会来了。
- They settled the quarrel out of court. 他们以庭外和解的方式解决了争端。