walking with a slow dragging motion without lifting your feet;
"from his shambling I assumed he was very old"
用作形容词 (adj.)
Indeed, under the terms of a shambling peace process, the basic shape of the Nepali state is an open question. 确切地说,即便是依据一个蹒跚的和平进程协议中的条款,各方对尼泊尔国家基本的政体雏形仍尚不能达成共识。
Soon there were also flagstones beneath his shambling feet, uneven, fractured stone that nonetheless caught the light of the lantern-sphere with strange opalescence. 很快,在他的步履蹒跚的脚下,就出现了石板路,这些石头坑坑洼洼,处处断裂,在他手里水晶球的照射下,现出奇怪的乳白色光亮。