- Be careful not to cut yourself while shaving. 刮胡子时要小心别割伤自己。
- The jelly plopped into the dish. 果冻啪的一声落到碟里。
- His shaving mirror was covered with condensation. 他的剃须镜上有一层小水珠。
- This Greek dish is of a very early date. 这个希腊盘子是很早时期的制品。
- She was about to dish up when some guests came. 她刚要上菜开饭,这时来了一些客人。
- The big meat dish goes on the highest shelf. 大的肉盘子通常搁在最高1格。
- He lathered his chin before shaving. 他剃须前在下巴上涂上皂沫。
- He put his shaving things into a plastic bag. 他将刮脸用具放入塑料袋内。
- This dish of parsnip tastes strange. 这盘欧防风做的菜味道很怪。
- He cut himself/his face shaving. 他刮胡须时割破了脸。
- There is a dish of partridge at supper. 晚饭时有一盘鹧鸪做的菜。
- He put some mustard into the dish. 他向菜里放了些芥末。
- She put several cloves of garlic in the dish. 她在菜里放了几瓣大蒜。
- Cup and dish belong to pottery Lei. 杯子和碟属于陶器类。
- A new razor gives a close shave. 新刀片刮得很乾净。
- The waiter brought us a dish of orange segments. 服务员给我们端来一盘掰开的橘子瓣。
- Buddhist priests shave their heads. 和尚都剃光头。
- He knows the recipe for this dish. 他知道这道菜的烹饪方法。
- A sharp razor gives a close shave. 剃刀锋利刮得就乾净。
- I want a kind of glass dish that resists heat. 我想要一种耐热的玻璃盘。