- KOW's particular strength lies in its ability to design and build in a wide range of styles with diverse materials. KOW特长在于其使用各种不同材料设计出不同风格的能力。
- But Ma’s particular form of strategizing has been most usefully learned through doing, not writing. 马清运以其中西结合的学术背景、旺盛的创造力,在众多佼佼者中脱颖而出。
- This thesis focuses on the “the beauty of colors and their descriptions” in the analysis of Yukio Mishima’s particular way of writing. 在对“创作手法上的美”的分析中,笔者着重从“色彩及其描写手法之美”这一视点对作品进行了分析。
- These differences manifest China Sanda' s particular characteristics, and show the developing abuse from another figure. 这些差异一方面体现了中国散打运动的独特性,但从另一侧面也显现出了散打运动在其发展过程中存在的诸多弊端。
- The orientated etching, resulted from PAAO's particular morphology and composition, is believed to be the main reason that explains the formation of different alumina nano-fibers. PAAO孔壁的特殊结构和组成上的差异造成的择优溶解是不同形貌纳米氧化铝纤维形成的主要原因.
- Abstract: " Reminisced experiences" is Xu Fuguan's particular aesthetic in his thought.All this resulted from his own experiences and his understanding about Chinese culture. 摘 要: “追体验”的思维理路是徐复观美学思想的特色,他的这一问学方式源于他自身独特的人生经历、现实困境的面对以及对中国文化的独有觉解。
- BASF's particular strengths are effective research and development, global applications technology expertise, and the Paper Technical Center in Ludwigshafen. 巴斯夫的特别强项是有效的研究和发展,全球应用软件的技术专长,以及造纸技术中心在路德维希港。
- Instead of looking at human behavior as shaped by culture, sociobiology stresses natural selection as responsible for human’s particular biological characteristics, which shape human behavior. 社会生物学并不认为人类行为是由文化决定的,而是强调自然选择决定人类特定的生物特征,这些特征塑造人类行为。
- The lifeboat went out to a ship in distress. 救生船去救一艘遇险的船只。
- The ship steamed into the harbor. 船驶入了港湾。
- The ship was loaded with cargo fore and aft. 这条船从船头到船尾装满了货物。
- The ship beat back against a monsoon. 船逆着季风艰难地行驶。
- The ship kept the buoy on her off side. 这条船在浮标的左边。
- He plotted out the course the ship should follow. 他在海图上标绘出了这艘船该走的航线。
- The ship pitched and tossed in the rough seas. 轮船在汹涌澎湃的大海中起伏颠簸。
- A big ship ploughed the sea at full sail. 一艘大船张满帆在海面上破浪前进。
- The ship was prized for violating neutrality. 那艘船因违犯中立而被捕获。
- Our ship left port and headed out to sea. 我们的船离开港口向大海驶去。
- They sent the enemy ship to the bottom of the sea. 他们把敌舰击沉。
- A terrible storm forced the ship to put back. 可怕的风暴迫使这条船返航了。