- A short interval of time; moment. 片刻一段很短的时间,一会儿
- His interpretation is discussed in a short interval documentary. 他的解释在一个简短的记录片中进行了讨论。
- The Intel programmable interval timer 8254 is used in this system to generate and sample PWM waves. 并利用可编程计数芯片8254实现了PWM波形的产生与采样。
- In the hardware system, single-chip computer (AT89C51) and programmable interval timer(8253) is the major part of hardware system.This simp... 在硬件系统中采用了AT89C51单片机与8253作为核心产生脉冲信号,结构简单,脉冲周期范围大。
- Transistor Q2 keeps feeding zener diode D5 and IC1 for a short interval. 晶体管Q2为齐纳二极管D5和IC1提供短时间供电。
- The graphic record shows three waves arriving one after the other at short intervals. 图形记录便显示了在短的间隙内先后到达的三种波。
- Explain the workingmechanism and process of its key parts such as single chip, programmable interval timer, VMOS andcoding switch.Provide the main controlling program diagrams at assembly language. 说明了主要部件单片机、定时/计数器、VMOS管、拨码开关的工作原理及过程,给出了汇编语言的主要程序流程图。
- Trolley buses pass this place at short intervals. 每隔一会儿就来一辆电车。
- Trains leave the station at short intervals. 一列列火车不时地驶出车站。
- He looped the painter through a ring in his landing-stage, climbed up into his hole above, and after a short interval reappeared staggering under a fat, wicker luncheon-basket. 他把缆绳穿过码头上的一个环,系住,然后爬进码头上面自家的洞里,不多时,摇摇晃晃地捧着一只胖大的藤条午餐篮子出来了。
- programmable interval timer (PIT) 可编程间隔计时器
- After a short interval, being left to reflection, I began to recollect that I had done wrong in taking a draft from a stranger. 过了一会,我一个人在那里细想,才开始想起来,不应该从生人手中受支票。
- A parameter indicates whether this method can wait a short interval before returning, to allow the system to collect garbage and finalize objects. 一个参数,指示此方法是否可以等待较短间隔再返回,以便系统回收垃圾和终结对象。
- The joint IterationPlan schedules a short interval, and results of each iteration feed back into the CommitmentSchedule to refine the schedule. 反复计划则是一种短周期的、根据实际进程的反馈对承诺日程进行校正的方法。
- High culturing temperature results in short interval (duration) between fertilization and eclosion, whereas more days are required at low temperature. 在月内羽化天数方面,全期一致的高、中、低温会影响月内的羽化天数,高温会有提前而低温会有延后的现象。
- Operate remote control at short intervals until a pressure of approx. 在短间隔操作遥控装置直到压力大概。
- For instance,Renmin Ribao (People's Daily) published two articles within a short interval about the people coming from different localities to appeal to the central authorities for help. 举例来说,《人民日报》对上访问题发表过两篇文章,时间相隔不久。
- Factors that predicted ROSC included a short interval from starting cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to ROSC in the ED and the administration of fewer doses of epinephrine in the ED. 影响病人存活至住进加护病房治疗之因素为在急诊时接受较短时间之急救及给予较少剂量之肾上腺素。
- The result indicated that pollution during cultivation time and precipitation were more serious, and after a short interval of fertilization, the water quality of surface water deteriorated obviously. 调查表明,农业非点源污染受农时、降雨的影响较大,其中农时的影响更大,施肥后短时间内水质即下降,变化非常显著。
- Your work falls short of my expectations. 你的工作未达到我的期望。