- You should bear up to admit your mistakes. 你应鼓起勇气去承认自己的错误。
- The Employer should bear the cost thereof. 职业病诊断鉴定费用由用人单位承担。
- Your banks should bear the brunt of it. 你们的银行应承受主要的负担。
- Who should bear the insurance cost? 应该由谁来承担存款保险的费用?
- A friend should bear his friends infirmities. 朋友才能容忍朋友的弱点。
- A friend should bear his friend in informalities. 朋友要体谅朋友的缺点。
- The chief comrades in charge should bear greater responsibility. 主要负责干部要多承担一些责任。
- We should bear this in mind when training women cadres. 在培养妇女干部方面,要注意这个问题。
- How true it is! I think everybody should bear it in mind. 这话真是太好了!我觉得每个人都应该把它牢记在心里。
- If you commit an offence, you should bear the legal consequences. 一旦触犯法律,你应承担法律后果。
- The chief cadre in charge should bear greater responsibility. 主要负责干部要多承担一些责任。
- We should bear in mind that we have to annihilate the enemy. 我们要把歼敌的重任时刻记在心上。
- You should bear all the costs of transportation of the goods,shouldn't you? 货物的一切运输费用应该由你方负担吧?
- True love should bear time flies, To be loved, first love and loveable. 铮爱需要时间考验想要被爱,就先去爱,并且让自己值得爱。
- Who Should Bear the Responsibility to Pay the Overdraft after Credit Card Lost? 信用卡被盗后透支的偿付责任该由谁承受?
- You should bear in mind the total situation, and make the best judgment. 你应当统揽全局,做出最正确的判断。
- They took the vendor endorsement fee, we should bear social responsibility. 他们拿了厂商的代言费,就要承担社会责任。”
- "Cohabitational phenomenon is so common, media should bear due responsibility. “同居现象如此普遍,媒体要负一定责任。
- Jiang stressed that the US-led NATO should bear all responsibility for the incident. 江强调,以美国为首的北约必须对这一事件承担全部责任。
- We should bear the overall interest of the country in mind and solve these problems without delay. 要从大局出发,解决问题不能拖。