- Sautéed Shredded Beef with Onion 洋葱牛柳丝
- I'd prefer the quick-fried shredded beef with white onion. 我要洋葱爆牛肉丝。
- We have prepared the sweet and sour fillet and the quick-fried shredded beef with white onion. 我们做好了糖醋里脊和洋葱爆牛肉丝。
- Season shredded beef with salt and pepper. Marinate for a while and saut? till cooked. 牛柳条以适量盐及胡椒粉调味,腌片刻后炒熟。
- Season shredded beef with salt and pepper. Marinate for a while and saute till cooked. 牛柳条以适量盐及胡椒粉调味,腌片刻后炒熟。
- Toss pasta and shredded beef with mushroom cream sauce, season with salt and black pepper to taste. 把面条及牛柳与忌廉蘑菇汁拌匀,以盐及黑胡椒碎调味后上碟。
- Tender cuts of beef with sliced mushrooms in a robust Burgundy wine sauce made with onion, garlic and spices served over fettuccine noodles with broccoli florets and accented with crisp red peppers. 勃艮第牛肉:用勃艮第红酒汁加洋葱、蒜和香料煎出来的嫩牛肉,配上意大利宽面条、西兰花和红椒。
- One medium beef steak with onion and shrimps salad. 一客煎得适中的洋葱牛排加虾色拉。
- Here is the fried beef with green pepper and onion. 这是胡椒洋葱炒牛肉。
- shredded beef with chili and green pepper 青红椒牛肉
- Shredded beef with hot pickled potherb mustard 榨菜牛肉丝
- Sautéed Sliced Beef with Onion and Ginger 姜葱爆牛肉
- Dry fried shredded beef with pepper sauce 干煸牛肉
- Guest A(GA): I'll take beef steak with onion and shrimps salad. 客人:我要一份洋葱牛排和鲜虾沙拉。
- Thin Shredded beef with red chili oil 灯笼大虾灯影牛肉
- Guest A( GA): I'll take beef steak with onion and shrimps salad. 客人我要一份洋葱牛排和虾色拉。
- Special shredded beef with chili sauce 秘制手撕牛肉
- Our specialities today are beef steak with onion and mutton chop. 我们今天的特别菜品有牛排、洋葱和羊排。
- Fried shredded beef with green pepper 杭椒牛柳