- The light from one side leaves half the subject' s face in shadow. 因光线来自一边; 画中人的脸有一半成为阴暗部分.
- The man' s face was puce with rage. 那人的脸都气紫了.
- Ann' s face and back are covered with freckles. 安的脸上和背上长满了雀斑.
- Hilary' s face became very grave. 希拉里的面容变得非常严峻。
- Mr. Baker' s face slowly turned red. 贝克先生的脸慢慢地变红了。
- "He will be angry, of course, but because I am his godson he will shut one eye. 他把孩子带进森林里,指给他看一种长在林中的草,说:“现在该让你得到教父的礼物啦。
- The boy 's face betrayed him to be cheerful. 那个男孩的脸显示出他很高兴。
- Kyousuke shot a quick peek at Madoka?s face. 恭介很快的瞥了一眼阿圆的脸。
- You can see a little bit of KMM's face! 可以从图中看到一点金明民的脸。)
- He could see the moon’s face clearly. 他能够很清楚地看见月球的表面。
- Ruth 's face brightened up at once . 路斯的脸立刻现出愉快之色。
- Denying this will be shutting one's eyes to facts. 否认这一点就是闭眼不看事实。
- DC tries to find HN and HN slaps DC's face. 东灿尝试去找惠娜;但是惠娜拍了他一巴掌.
- God never shuts one door but he opens another. 天无绝人之路。
- The girl ' s face mantled in joy. 那女孩高兴得脸上泛起红晕。
- If you fing fault with anyone,ell him directly.Nevr say one thing to a man"s face and another behind his back. 不要为了结识新朋友或维持一段友谊而去做钳事。要友善而原则坚定地对待所有人。最重要的是要表里如一。
- There can only be five different businesses of the same type operating simultaneously throughout the city so if five rival gangs are running Extortion businesses youll have to shut one of theirs down first in order to start your own. 那里可能只是同样型的五不同企业同时经营在城市中如此如果五个敌手帮会经营您将必须关闭他们的当中一个首先为了开始您自己的强夺业务。
- Sometimes when life shuts one door, it opens a window! 大家快看窗外,好漂亮的彩虹呀。。。。好美
- She saw displeasure with perplexity expressed in Viola’s face. 她看到薇奥拉脸上露出既困惑又不高兴的神色。
- Don' t put that cloth over the baby' s face, you' ll smother him ! 不要把那块布盖在婴儿的脸上,你会把他憋死的!