a line that marks the side boundary of a playing field
an auxiliary line of merchandise
an auxiliary activity
动词 sideline:
remove from the center of activity or attention; place into an inferior position
side line的用法和样例:
One day I stopped to let a school bus turn onto a side road. 我停下来让一辆校车能到侧道上去。
The projection of the interface Fresnel zone is up to the acquisition line. 映射菲涅尔带是反射面上菲涅尔带在侧线上的投影。
The lateral line, a stripe extending down the sides of many fish and amphibians from gills to tail, detects water displacement. 许多种鱼与两栖动物体的两侧,从鳃至尾都有侧线来侦测水的流动。