- What is the clour of your luggage? 你的行李是什么颜色?
- What's the clour of your luggage? 您的行李是什么颜色的?
- Outside was a silvery white world. 外面已是一片银白色的世界。
- Pureness of silver, Nobleness of gold. 银的纯洁,金的高贵!
- On her head was a tiny cap of silver tissue. 她头上戴着一顶银丝小帽。
- Opening his fist,he showed a mound of silver coins. 他张开手,露出了一堆银币。
- European birch with silvery white peeling bark and markedly drooping branches. 欧洲的一种桦树,有银白色脱落树皮和下垂的枝条。
- All but the penny and the nickel is make of silver. 除一分和五分币外,其余硬币都是用银铸造的。
- On the horizon, she saw a flash of silver,the sea! 她看见天边闪现一片银色,大海!
- Sandal of bowknot illuminative silvery white all shows nobility and grace. 蝴蝶结装饰的银白色凉鞋尽显高贵与优雅。
- She saw a glint of silver in the grass. 她看到草地上银光闪亮。
- Lian Lee: Co-owner of Silver Heaven tea plantation. 丽安银色天堂茶叶种植园的业主之一。
- They are but the dross of silver. 他们都是炉中的铜,锡,铁,铅,都是银渣滓。
- Silvery white; hoary. 银白的; 灰白的
- The dish was made of silver, beaten out by hand. 这盘子是银制的, 是手工打造的。
- His master granted him a small ingot of silver. 主人赏给他一锭银子。
- Fresh green leaves in spring, cool summers, colorful autumns, silvery white winters. 新绿欲滴的春天,凉爽宜人的夏天,红叶染红山峦的秋天,银装素裹的冬天。
- It gives the appearance of silver. 这东西看起来像银。
- Its back is greenish grey while its body is silvery white with a black rhomb shortly behind the pectoral base. 牠的背部灰绿色,躯干大致银白,胸鳍基部后方有一黑色菱形斑纹。
- Breathes a streak of silver into your flame. 给高涨的情焰注入一道冷酷的白银。