- He tore along to the site of the accident. 他飞快地向出事地点奔去。
- She was confounded at the sight of the accident. 她一看到那事件就感到惊惶失措。
- His account of the accident tallies with yours. 他对该故事的说法和你一样。
- The site of the battle of Waterloo is in Belgium. 滑铁卢战役的遗址在比利时。
- Medical workers are urgently rescuing the injured right at the site of the accident. 在车祸现场,医务人员正在对伤者紧急施救。
- Only one witness of the accident has come forward. 只有一人站出来为这次事件作见证。
- He gave a cold-blooded account of the accident. 他冷静地叙述了这一事故。
- This is a faithful account of the accident. 这是对该事故的如实报导。
- His account of the accident tallied with hers. 他对事故的陈述和她的相吻合。
- An ambulance dashed to the scene of the accident. 救护车风驰电掣赶往事故现场。
- The nervous man gave a garbled account of the accident. 这个紧张不安的人对事故的陈述混淆不清。
- Rescue workers rushed to the site of the plane crash. 抢救人员冲向飞机坠毁的现场。
- The site of the memorial is granted in perpetuity to Canada. 纪念馆址已选定在加拿大作为永久的纪念。
- The exact cause of the accident is still in dispute. 事故的真正起因仍有争议。
- The real causes of the accident are now in the open. 事故的真正原因现已非常明显。
- The police instituted an inquiry into the cause of the accident. 警方开始调查事故的原因。
- The news of the accident gave her an unpleasant jolt. 她听到出事的消息吃了一惊。
- The barracks stand on the site of the old castle. 那个兵营位于古城堡的旧址上。
- These two reports of the accident disagree with each other. 这两篇关于事故的报道不太一致。
- The accident was the indirect result of the train being late. 引发事故的间接原因是火车晚点。