- He sketched the contours of a building with a charcoal pencil. 他用炭笔在纸上勾勒出了一个建筑物的轮廓。
- The contour of that mountain looks like a dragon. 那座大山的轮廓看上去像一条龙。
- Sketching the contours of the heart, however, is a time-consuming process, which is also hindered by a large number of variabilities between observers. 但是手工描绘心脏轮廓是一项相当耗时的过程,并且由于不同观察者之间的许多差异而影响最终结论。
- The contour of a person's body; the figure. 身材一个人的身体周线;身材
- The contour of the Atlantic coast of America is very irregular. 美国沿大西洋的海岸线甚为曲折。
- She traced the contours of his face with her finger. 她用手指摸遍了他脸部的轮廓。
- To build(a road, for example) to follow the contour of the land. 依地形建造循着地面等高线修筑(如公路等)
- The exhibition at the Fondation Cartier attempts to sketch the general contours of a subject that is vast and complex, encompassing many different ideas, media and movements across its boundaries. 该展览在基金会卡蒂埃企图素描一般的轮廓这个问题是巨大的和复杂的,包括许多不同的想法,媒体和人流的界限。
- The smooth contour of the sculpture is wonderful. 雕塑物平滑的轮廓线简直太美了。
- A soft pillow with a shape that follows the contours of your neck. 一种软枕头,具有贴合您的颈部曲线的形状。
- In Chapter 5, it sketches the contours of the strategic choice, proposes that SSHH should regard moderate expand base on unfaltering grow with differentiation focus strategy; 第五章在前几章分析的基础上,勾勒了上海新天哈瓦那大酒店未来发展的战略选择,建议采取集中差异化战略,在稳步发展的基础上适当扩张;
- Finally, the contour of density are shown in this paper. 最后给出了各种气体模型的密度等值线比较图。
- The arithmetic operator of Roberts is used to get the contours of prostate. 研究了基于二维平行轮廓线的前列腺三维表现重建问题。
- The set of edges which bound the region is the contour of the region. 包围某区域的边的集合称为区域的周线。
- The migrated position of the contour can be found. 可以得出等值线的偏移位置。
- The contour of the coast of the atlantic of america is very irregular. 美国沿大西洋的海岸线很曲折。
- Longer more rigid pad that fits to the contour of the rim for better braking. 更长更硬垫适合以等高线周边,为更好的制动效果。
- Back Pain Patch -- Highly stretchable to fit snugly on the contour of the back. 背痛膏药贴:适用于背部流线型,伸展舒适。
- Now sketch the graph of each of the functions in Problem I. 绘出第一题中每一函数的草图。
- Cultivation of crops in strips following the contours of the land to minimize erosion. 根据土地轮廓以带状形式耕种来减少土地侵蚀的作物耕作。