- The rocket sled test was carried out for overall investigating the dynamic process of missile turbojet engine starting and accelerating. 为了研究弹用涡轮喷气发动机动态启动加速过程,开展了发动机火箭橇试验研究。
- By comparing the simulation results and the sled test results of corresponding childseats,the effectiveness of the model is validated. 通过与对应产品的台车碰撞试验结果对比,对该模型有效性进行了验证。
- Our Limited test vehicle was equipped with 19-inch wheels and tires. 我们有限的测试车配备了19英寸的车轮和轮胎。
- The rocket sled test can imitate the dynamic conditions of missile launching, it is very important for missile turbojet engine design. 火箭橇试验能够真实的模拟导弹发射条件,它对于弹用涡轮喷气发动机研究具有十分重要的意义。
- The rocket sled test was carried out for overall investigatingthe dynamic process of missile turbojet engine starting and accelerating. 为了研究弹用涡轮喷气发动机动态启动加速过程,开展了发动机火箭橇试验研究。
- The characteristics of the dynamic process of starting and accelerating were mastered by the rocket sled test and some design mistakes were exposed also. 通过火箭橇试验,可掌握导弹发射条件下弹用涡轮喷气发动机启动加速特征,暴露发动机在启动加速方面的设计缺陷。
- Referred to American Holloman sled technical index,this paper introduces the estimate of Chinese XB rocket sled test track and gives the measuring results. 介绍了我国XB火箭橇试验滑轨参照美国霍洛曼滑轨有关技术指标进行评估的情况,并给出测量结。
- The list mentioned above is a document ofr confirming the identity of the test vehicle. 上述提及的列表是用来确认测试车辆一致性的文件。
- It is intended for external installation on a test vehicle via the use of an electro-cleavable adhesive. 用一种电可分离粘合剂将它安装在试验机上。
- Raytheon Company launched its first GBU-53/B Small Diameter Bomb II as a control test vehicle (CTV) flight. 日前雷神公司完成GBU-53/B II型小直径炸弹的首次控制测试载具(CTV)飞行。
- The gear manipulation shall be made by taking particular running characteristics of the test vehicle concerned into consideration. 通过考虑试验车辆的特殊运行特征进行档位控制。
- Our test vehicle was in one of the many shades of gray currently offered and it was tastefully accented by thin chrome trim bits. 我们的测试车是在一个许多深浅的灰色,它目前提供的是高雅的口音薄铬装饰位。
- For testing vehicle interior furnish stuff flame resistant property. 用于车辆内装材料的耐燃烧试验。
- The real-time hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulator, dynamic test stand and on-road test vehicle are set up for the motorcycle ABS performance test. 本文针对机车液压防锁死煞车系统性能测试,建立三组实验装置,分别为即时硬体模拟器、动态测试实验台、实车路试车辆。
- A Design of Side Impact Sled Test 一种侧撞试验台的方案设计
- XB High Accuracy Rocket Sled Test Track XB高精度火箭橇试验滑轨
- When driving over patches of highway that are battered by heavy big rigs, long-wheelbase trucks like our Crew Cab 1500 Laramie Ram test vehicle typically begin to oscillate. 当驾驶超过补丁的公路是沉重打击了大平台,长轴距像我们的卡车驾驶室乘员公羊1500拉勒米测试车辆通常会开始振荡。
- The man attached a strong rope to his sled. 那人将一条结实的绳子系在他的雪撬上。
- A Research on an Energy Absorber for Vehicle Sled Test of Crash Simulation 汽车碰撞台车模拟试验吸能器的研究