"a small business"
"a newspaper with a modest circulation"
"small-scale plans"
"a pocket-size country"
用作形容词 (adj.)
Propecia has been found to cause impotence, reduced sex drive and lower sperm count in a small percentage of users. 保法止已被发现能对小比例的使用者造成阳痿,性欲降低和精子量减少。
Still, most adolescent males are embarrassed about masturbation, and only a small percentage discusses it, even with close male friends. 还有,大多数青年男性都羞于谈论手淫,只有很小比例的人讨论手淫,甚至与男性好友也是这样。
They've got a small catering business. 他们从事小规模的酒席承办业务。
Generally they run small shops and employ few or no assistants. 他们一般不雇店员,或者只雇少数店员,开设小规模的商店。