- A smile expressed her joy at the news. 微笑表达了她对这个消息的喜悦心情。
- A smile expressed her joy at the good news. 微笑表达了她听到这好消息后的欣喜。
- Her body shape is slim , angulus oris is always hanging slight smiling expression. 标签: 英语 翻译, 翻译, 文字她身形苗条,嘴角总是挂着淡淡的笑容。
- Every snapshot consists of smiling expression what converts the minutes of joy into a landmark of glitter. 一张张充满笑脸的快照,将无限欢愉的每一刻变为闪闪动人的陆标。
- Become smiling expression including regretful to submit to defeat without fight also cherishing. 连遗憾也都不争气的珍惜成笑容.
- Work is hit by magical Buddhist smiling expression , that laughs at the romantic charm looking at the land of the living and transcendence disdaining! 作品中神佛的笑容,那种笑看人世间的神韵与不屑的脱俗!
- Time seems to have stopped rotating , the often sends your smiling expression in near the ear when the world tableau fixes a lattice. 时间好像停止了转动,世界画面定格的时候,耳边不时传来你的笑容。
- In bay net men's single presenting award, on ceremony, you have laughed at, although some are regretful and agonized , this is also that two cycles are hit by your most relaxed smiling expression. 在澳网男单的颁奖仪式上你笑了,尽管有些遗憾和苦涩,但这也是两周中你最轻松的笑容。
- Act happy.We can sometimes act ourselves into a frame of mind.Manipulated into a smiling expression, people feel better;when they scowl, the whole world seems to scowl back.So put on a happy face. 管理好你的时间,幸福的人们觉得自己能掌握生活,常因为他们能够管理时间。
- "It doesn't matter, but I don't want this condition will be happen again, do you konw?"Even though Rio has smiling face, his eyes haven't smiling expressions at all. “没关系,不过我希望这种情况不要再次发生,你明白吗?”尽管Rio的脸上有笑容,但是眼睛里却没有丝毫的笑意。
- His smile predominated his features. 他的微笑是他的容貌的重要特色。
- I never smile at people who are rude to me. 我决不会向对我无礼的人微笑。
- An expression of pain flitted across her face. 她脸上闪过一种痛苦的表情。
- He looked at the leader with a disdainful smile. 他带着鄙视的微笑看着领导。
- He always shows a doleful expression. 他总是露出忧郁的表情。
- Girls in fashion photographs never smile. 时装照片中的女郎都不微笑。
- They never met without smiling at each other. 他们每一次相遇都彼此微笑。
- I can think of no greater expression of defeatism. 这是我听到的最悲观的失败主义论调了。
- I saw the joy in her smiling face. 从她的笑脸上我看到欢欣。
- He sat in an armchair smiling upon me. 他坐在沙发里朝我微笑。