- Somehow he was irritated by the smoothness of the salesman. 不知为什麽这个推销员的圆滑使他恼怒。
- Continuity and smoothness of appearance. (外观的)持续流畅外表的连续性和顺滑性
- We are satisfied with the smoothness of the negotiation. 我们对谈判的顺利进行很满意。
- I felt comfortable sailing on the smoothness of the sea. 在平静的海面上航行我感到很舒服。
- Setting up smoothness of vector contour . 成立光滑的向量轮廓。
- Improved smoothness of dribbling slightly. 现在过人更加流畅了。
- Note the feel of velvety smoothness of the petals. 注意花瓣柔软平滑的感觉。
- The obstruction of invisible tinge blocked the original smooth of my breath. 或许那种无形的气息上的隔断阻碍了我原本顺畅的呼吸。
- Application of Hysteresis Switching in Adaptive Control of Coal-fired Power Plant Boiler Drum Level P. 内蒙古大学滞后切换自适应控制策略应用于电站锅炉汽包水位控制。
- These sensors provide high temperature stability and total absence of hysteresis, and are easy to use. 产品介绍:这种传感器具有高温稳定性、无滞后性和便于应用的特点。
- One of the incidental functions of the detector array is the averaging or smoothing of these responses. 检波器组合的一个附带作用是这些响应的平衡或平稳。
- Also, it analyzed the current control method of hysteresis current control, and gave several key factors which affect performance of the APF. 对滞环比较电流控制方法进行了深入分析,讨论了影响电力有源滤波器性能的关键因素。
- Rocks are worn smooth through the agency of water. 岩石由于水的作用而变得光滑。
- On the basis of Ferromagnetics, the origin of magnetism, the magnetostric-tive process and the generation of hysteresis were explained. 从GMM的微观结构出发,运用铁磁学理论解释了GMM磁致伸缩过程和磁滞的产生。
- The smooth contour of the sculpture is wonderful. 雕塑物平滑的轮廓线简直太美了。
- Smoothing of trajectory imply that linear dynamical system is stochastic trajectory modeling. 轨迹平滑体现了线性动态系统的轨迹建模思想。
- The result indicated that the motion stability of rotor system could be judged on the basis of hysteresis loop calculation at the place of predeformation. 结果表明,根据预变形处的迟滞回线计算能判断转子系统的运动稳定性。
- Ma Lizhuang, Peng Qunsheng, Smoothing of free-form surfaces with Bezier patches, Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol. 12, 1995 (SCI). 马利庄,王荣良,计算机辅助几何造型技术及应用,科学出版社,北京,1996.
- Test results of law of hysteresis loop,displacement response and base shear response of the model are analyzed and the analyzing results are compared with result. 对结构模型的滞回曲线、位移反应、基底剪力反应规律的试验结果进行了分析比较。
- It could be argued that such a smoothing of rent rises is good for existing tenants. 有人可能认为这种租金的平稳增长对现有的租户是有利的。