- Flavell,J.H.:Metacognition and cognitive monitoring:A new area of cognitive-develo pmental inquiry.American Psychologist,1979,19. 施建农:《超常与常态儿童记忆和记忆监控的比较研究》,《心理学报》1990年第3期。
- The relationship between emotion and memory is one of the important topics of study social cognitive neurology. 摘要情绪与记忆的关系问题一直是社会认知神经科学研究的重要课题。
- Flavell JH. Metacognition and cognitive monitoring: A new area of cognitive developmental inquir.y, Child Development, 1979, 53, 1-10. 刘慧娟;沃建中;林崇德.;小学儿童工作记忆资源的分配策略
- Bandura, A. (1986), Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory, NJ: Prentice-Hall. 江秋玫(1997);国小教师专业承诺、自我效能感与专业践行关系之研究;国立嘉义师范学院国民教育研究所;硕士论文;未出版.
- Objective To assess the effect of a group intervention on smoking cessation based on social cognitive theory. 目的评价社会认知理论指导下的"我能戒烟"小组式戒烟方法的长期效果。
- Bandura, A. (1986), Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. 向阳基金会(2001);e世代青少年网咖经验调查报告;台北:财团法人向阳公益基金会;.
- Bandura, A. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action:A social cognitive theory. Englewood Cliffs,NJ: Prentice-Hall. 蔡佳纯、黄静凤(2005).护生儿科实习之压力源及压力探讨.慈济护理,4(4),50-57。
- For society, literature misreading is one kind of potential motive force that promotes the improvement of the whole social cognitive level and estheticism. 社会层面,文学误读是一种潜在的动力,促进整个社会认知水平与审美能力的提高。
- There are three theoretical models on the prevention of eating disorders:non-specific vulnerability-stressor model,social cognitive model,and critical social perspectives model. 目前关于进食障碍预防理论模型主要有三种:非特异性易感压力模型、社会认知模型和批判性社会观点模型。
- To explicate the microprocesses of threat regulation, I draw on social cognitive theory, symbolic interactionism, and the psychology of emotion regulation. 通过借鉴社会认知理论,符号互动论,以及情绪调节心理学,我阐明了威胁管理的微处理。
- The social cognitive career theory, race/gender ecological theory prove that racial and ethic culture has a close relation to career psychology and career development. 社会认知职业理论、种族/性别生态模式和系统理论框架说明,民族文化与职业心理和生涯发展密切相关。
- There are three theoretical models on the prevention of eating disorders: nonspecific vulnerability-stressor model, social cognitive model, and critical social perspectives model. 目前关于进食障碍预防理论模型主要有三种:非特异性易感压力模型、社会认知模型和批判性社会观点模型。
- Augmented Social Cognition: How social tagging appears to affect human memory? 社会认知强化:社会标签化如何影响人类记忆?
- The social cognitive neuroscience lab at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill devotes to examining research questions of theoretical importance to social and cognitive psychology using a combin. 美国北卡罗莱纳大学查布尔希尔分校社会认知神经科学实验室。
- Marietta AL, Rick P,Jeffery SH. Why do effective smoking prevention programs work? Student changes in social cognitive theory constructs. The Journal of school Health,69(8):326-331,1999. 张惠芬:探讨青少年戒菸课程之成效。国立台北护理学院护理学系研究所硕士论文,2001。
- Implicit social cognition on aggression was studied through the employment of Implicit Association Test(IAT). 采用内隐联想测验(IAT)对攻击性内隐社会认知进行了研究。
- His present research fields are SFL theory and applications in social cognition. 目前主要研究方向:系统功能语言学理论与应用。
- Besides, this paper examines the influence of self-esteem and self-concept on SWB with the approach of implicit social cognition. 同时,用内隐社会认知的观点重新考察自尊、自我概念对主观幸福感的影响。
- Social Cognitive System Study on Domestic Violence 关于家庭暴力的社会认知机制研究