- Effect of Soil Moisture Status on Some Eco-Physiological Indexes of Dominant Tree Species in the Pine Broadleaf Forest of Changbai Mountain. 土壤水分状况对长白山阔叶红松林主要树种叶片生理生态特性的影响
- It's one of the tree species I have just learned to know. 我刚认识的树种。
- China has the world's most ancient tree species -- metasequoia. 中国有世界最古老的树种 --水杉。
- Dormancy Depth of Several North-east China Tree Species. 东北几个树种苗木的休眠深度
- Shanxi allspice tree species of medicinal and spice. 山西香果药用及香料树种。
- This has provided valuable data for work in soil improvement. 这为土壤改良工作提供了宝贵资料。
- Lower slopes of the upper dry rainforest tree species. 为低山坡干性雨林中上层乔木树种。
- A preliminary study on ecological response of dominant tree species in Korean pine broadleaf forest at ChangbaiMountain to soil water stress and their biomass allocation. 长白山阔叶红松林主要树种对干旱胁迫的生态反应及生物量分配的初步研究。
- A preliminary study on ecological response of dominant tree species in Korean pine broadleaf forest at Changbai Mountain to soil water stress and their biomass allocation. 长白山阔叶红松林主要树种对干旱胁迫的生态反应及生物量分配的初步研究
- Soil improved effect of vegetation restoration in Coal waste piles. 植被恢复下矸石山土壤改良效益研究。
- The protection forests were built with five Acacia tree species on coastal sandy soil in Dongshuan County,and their wind-resistance and drought-resistance was tested also. 应用大叶相思、肯氏相思、毛娟相思、马占相思和厚荚相思等相思树种在东山县沿海沙地上营建防护林,并对其抗风、抗台风及抗连续干旱性能进行了测定。
- improved tree species 林木良种
- The result indicated, that the tree species harder in salt-tolerance are salix 109, tamarisk, Chinese matrimony-vine, that can de ve lop in forestation on saline-alkali soil. 试验结果表明,乔木树种109柳,灌林树种柽柳、枸杞耐盐碱能力最强,可以在盐碱土地上探索发展。
- Methods of soil auger and pot experiment were used to research vertical root distributions and drought resistance of main planting tree species in the Weibei loess plateau. 采用土钻法和盆栽试验研究了渭北地区主要造林树种的垂直根系分布特征及其抗旱性。
- After soil improvement, the yield of this land has increased greatly. 改土后,这块地的产量大幅提升。
- The writer is of the opinion that some site factors, such as climate, microtopography and soil are intimately correlated with the distribution and growth of tree species. 针对江苏海岸各种立地环境条件,论述了如何选择先锋树种和后继树种,使海岸造林取得预期效果。
- It is 700 metres in length and introduces 20 tree species along the walk. 树径全长700米,介绍沿途20种树木植物。
- The Comparison of Frozen Resistance of Several Tree Species of Ilex L. 几种冬青属植物抗冻能力比较。
- Pioneer Tree Species for Forestation in Sandy Land--Hippophae rhamnoides L. 沙地造林的先锋树种-沙棘。
- For the majority of tree species this method appears to be very well suited. 对于大多数树种来说,这个方法看来都是适合的。