- Relating to, living on, or coming from the southern side of the Alps. 阿尔卑斯山脉南边的有关、位于或来自阿尔卑斯山脉南边的
- From the southern side of the said orchard ran a long road. 上述这个果园的南边有一条长街。
- They were in control of the southern side of the mountain. 他们曾经控制了山的南边。
- There is a river on the southern side of the mountain. 这座山的山阳有一条小河。
- On the southern side, new horse-drawn lorries and vans were manufactured. 在南边,新的马车及篷车正在生产中。
- Sun Quan powerfully occupied the area on the southern side of the Yangtze river and got ready for battle. 孙权雄踞江东,秣马厉兵。
- The southern side began at the outskirts of Kiriath Jearim on the west, and the boundary came out at the spring of the waters of Nephtoah. 南界是从基列耶琳的尽边起,往西达到尼弗多亚的水源;
- Then the block in the southern side of this fault is the hanging wall and the block in the northern side of this fault is the footwall. 那么,位于这条断层南侧的岩层是上盘,位于这条断层北侧的岩层则是下盘。
- The southern side of this courtyard is made up p of a 32-column hypostyle court that leads into the inner sanctums of the temple. 最佳保存的柱子在东边,原始的颜色还能看见。这个庭院的南部是由32柱子附上尖突空间组成,通向寺庙的内在密室。
- A Preliminary Study on the Structure of Soil Animal Communities in Agroecosystems on the Southern Side of the ChangJiang River. 长江南岸(安徽段)农业生态系统土壤动物群落结构的初步研究
- The southern side of this courtyard is made up of a 32-column hypostyle court that leads into the inner sanctums of the temple. 最佳保存的柱子在东边,原始的颜色还能看见。这个庭院的南部是由32柱子附上尖突空间组成,通向寺庙的内在密室。
- He made the court. For the southern side of the court, facing the south country, there were one hundred cubits of hangings of fine twined linen. 筑了庭院:为向阳的一面,即南面,用捻的细麻做了帷幔,共一百肘,
- On April 11, the 3rd Armored Division got into Nordhausen, on the southern side of the Harz Mountains in central Germany.Capt. 4月11日,第3装甲师进入诺尔特豪森,该地位于德国中部哈茨山区以南。
- F_(15) peel thrust (system) at the southern side of the Xinjiangrift belt is a dominant ore-controlling factor of deposit No. 50. 信江裂陷带南侧的F_(15)剥离断层(系统)控制了50矿床的矿质来源、矿质沉淀及矿体定位。
- A new pedestrian subway will be built at the southern side of the station, linking it with the existing subway at the junction of Che Kung Mui Road and Sha Tin Tau Road. 车站南面将兴建一条行人隧道,连接现时位于车公庙路及沙田头路交界的行人隧道,车公庙路南面的行人可使用该行人隧道往车站。
- Due to operational requirement, two ventilation shafts( N1 and S1) located at the northern and southern side of the existing podium of the MTRC Kowloon Station shall be modified. 为符合营运需求,位于地铁九龙站现有平台南北两面的通风井(1及S1)须进行改善工程。
- The Macau Golf Country Club, located on the southern side of Coloane island, is one of the most beautiful golf courses in Asia open to locals and foreigners. 在路环岛南部有一座高尔夫球场,它是亚洲最美丽的高尔夫球场之一,从这里可眺望珠江和黑沙海滩全景。
- A new footbridge will be built at the southern side of the station, linking it with the elevated walkway system leading to Prima Villa and Yu Tsui Court. 车站南面将兴建一条行人天桥,横越插桅杆街,连接欣廷轩及愉翠苑的高架行人系统。
- Ground differences in engineering properties between northern side and southern side and poor quality of construction are the main reasons to make the dwelling house incline. 摘要导致该楼发生倾斜的主要原因有:南北两侧地基土工程性质差别较大,基础施工质量较差。
- Due to operational requirement, two ventilation shafts (N1 and S1) located at the northern and southern side of the existing podium of the MTRC Kowloon Station shall be modified. 为符合营运需求,位于地铁九龙站现有平台南北两面的通风井(N1及S1)须进行改善工程。