- Mk. 4:14 The sower sows the word. 可四14那撒种者所撒的,乃是道。
- The sower sows the word. Penabur itu menaburkan firman. 那撒种者所撒的,乃是道。
- On the map the drains of each field are laid sown. 地图上标有每一块地的排水沟。
- He sowed all his wild oats before he married. 他荒唐够了才结婚的。
- These seeds should be sown in April. 这些种子应在四月播种。
- He plowed the land and then sowed the seeds. 他先翻土,然后播种。
- The farmers here sow once a year. 这里的农民一年播一次种子。
- He tried to sow discontent among us. 他企图在我们中间散布不满情绪。
- You cannot reap where you have not sown. 你没有耕种就不能有收获。
- His words had sowed the seeds of suspicion in their minds. 他的话已在他们心中播下怀疑的种子。
- Nitrate of soda may be sown on pasture that does not eat off. 可以把硝酸钠撒在牧草还没有吃光的草地上。
- The students sowed their wild oats before leaving university to become doctors. 离开大学成为医生前,学生们干一些荒唐事。
- The sower sows the word. 那撒种者所撒的,乃是道。
- The beans I sowed last week haven't come up yet. 我上星期播下的豆种还未出土。
- "The sower sows the word. 撒种之人所撒的,就是道。
- Sow the seeds now and in due course you will have the flowers. 现在播种,到了时候就可以得到鲜花。
- We reap the bountiful harvest of what we have sown. 乃是众人植树,众人享受丰硕果实。
- If we sow the seed now, in due course we will have the flowers. 如果我们现在播下种子,到时候会开花的。
- I have sown the millet in this plot. 我在这块土地上已播了谷子。
- The grass was sown in the stadium. 草皮已植在了体育场里。