- The tree split in two with the force of wind. 风把树刮成两截。
- What made the Red Sea split in two? 是什麽使红海分开呢?
- The freighter split in two under the force of the stormy waves. 那货船在狂风巨浪中断成了两截。
- A mother who also has a demanding job often feels split in two by the demands of both work and home. 从事非常紧张工作的母亲常常觉得一心挂两头—工作和家。
- The monster split in two and went on two separate journeys. 所以怪物就分裂成两只,踏上旅途。
- X-ray photons readily split in two or merge together. 射线的光子能迅速一分为二或二合为一。
- The party split in two to search for a ferry crossing. 这一行人分成两路去寻找渡口。
- The ship split in two under the force of the stormy waves. 汹涌的巨浪把船打成了两半。
- The ship suddenly split in two. 那艘船突然裂成两半。
- Mk. 15:38 And the veil of the temple was split in two from top to bottom. 可十五38殿里的幔子从上到下裂为两半。
- It hit rocks and split in two off the coast of Turkey's Anatolian province. 该船在土耳其安纳托利亚海岸附近触礁,船身分成两半。
- A mother who has a demanding job often feels split in two by the demands of both work and home. 还要干费力工作的母亲常常感觉到工作和家庭压得她透不过气来。
- Subdivide - Each selected edge is split in two, new vertices are created at middle points, and faces are split too, if necessary. 细分-每个选择的边一分为二,新的顶点将创建在边的中心;面也是一分为二。
- Any animal that divides the hoof and has the hoof split in two and chews the cud, among the animals, that you may eat. 申14:7但那些倒嚼、是分蹄之中不可吃的、是骆驼、子、番、为是倒嚼不分蹄、与你们不洁净。
- Argument over policy led to a split in the party. 有关政策的争论导致了党内的分裂。
- One solution is to postulate that Kefalonia may once have been split in two at the point where its Paliki headland joins the island. 一种解释是假设凯法利尼亚也许在某个时刻被分成了两个岛,在分割点处,它的帕利克角连在了爱塞卡岛上。
- Frost caused the split in the rock. 霜冻使岩石裂了一条缝。
- It was seen to have split in two, possibly forming the Great Comet of 1882, Comet Ikeya-Seki and SOHO-620. 它被看见分裂成两个碎片,并且可能形成了1882年大彗星、池谷-关彗星和SOHO-620。
- President Mikhail Saakashvili, in an address to the nation, said Georgia had been split in two. 总统在一次对国家发表的演说中表明,佐治亚现在已经被一分为二了。
- Tom's freckly face was split in two by his massive grin. 'See, I told you!' he crowed, doing a little victory dance. 汤姆有着雀斑的脸上绽放出了巨大笑容。”瞧见了,我对你说过了!“他一边得意洋洋的说,一边跳了小段胜利的舞蹈。