- She put her little daughter in the buggy. 她把小女儿放在婴儿车里。
- Japanese friends, master squeege technology to at least 3 years, explaining how to grasp the importance of squeegee. 日本伴侣讲,把持刮板技艺给有3年功夫,表明把持刮印技艺的重给性。
- Squeegee off all wet surfaces in shower. 把淋浴周围的水都擦干.
- The automobile has displaced the buggy. 汽车已取代了马车。
- Amasai spent all the morning washing the buggy. 阿马萨花了整整一上午刷洗那辆轻便马车。
- We drove in a buggy past the Dorset house. 我们驾了一辆轻型小马车经过道塞特家的住宅。
- She was huddled up in the buggy seat. 她蜷缩在车座上。
- Your buggy's waiting for you, isn't it? 你的马车在等着你,不是吗?”
- Pull the squeegee down and wipe the perimeter. 将清洁刷从上往下拉,清洗其余区域以及窗户的圆周。
- There isn't much call for buggy whips today. 今天已不那么需要赶马车的鞭子了
- She pushed the buggy through the grocery store. 她推车购物车在百货店里购物。
- The new navigation module is still buggy. 新的导航模块仍然是小车。
- Patented on Twin Baby Buggy and Jogger. 台北捷美乐婴儿用品新研发婴童车专利
- The automobile reduced the demand for buggy whips. 汽车降低了人们对马车的需求。
- So you want to go back to the horse and buggy days? 那么你想回到马和马车的年代?
- The di lay of the poison damage is very buggy also. 同时,毒系伤害的现实也有很大问题。
- Rubber baby buggy bumper' is a tongue twister. Rubber baby buggy bumper(橡胶婴儿车的保险杠)是一个绕口令。
- Scott sped by on his own in a buggy. 斯科特独自驾一辆轻型马车飞驰而过。
- Take time to talk basics. Air fills. Chronograph. Squeegee. 花些时间说些基本概念.;充气
- The modern automobile evolved from the horse and buggy. 现代汽车是从单马马车演化而来的。