- Taiwan’s economy is likely to stagnate for a long time to come. 台湾经济很可能会停滞很长一段时间。
- They've been dating for a long time. 他们一直频频约会。
- I haven't set eyes on her for a long time. 从那以后,我再也没见过她。
- For a long time his fate hung in the balance. 他的命运很久未能确定。
- She has been ailing for a long time. 她已病了好久了。
- I don't know him well though I've known him for a long time. 我对他并不了解,虽然我认识他已经很长时间了。
- Hello, Carol. How are you? I haven't seen you for a long time. 嗨,卡罗尔,你好吗?好久不见了。
- I have had no news from him for a long time. 我好久不知道他的消息了。
- Historical records show that in old Tibet,the average life span was 36 years,and the growth of the Tibetan population stagnated for a long time. 根据历史资料记载,旧西藏人均寿命只有36岁,人口增长长期处于停滞状态。
- He has been grappling with the problem for a long time. 他长期以来一直努力解决该问题。
- Jane's performance will be impressed upon my memory for a long time. 简的表演将会在我的记忆中留下长久的印象。
- I have not heard from John for a long time. 我好久没有收到约翰的来信了。
- He had been short of exercise for a long time. 他长期缺乏锻炼。
- He spoke for a long time but his meaning did not really come across. 他讲了很长时间,但他的意思没有人真正理解。
- I've been committed to attending the farewell dinner for a long time now. 很早以前我就已经答应叁加那个饯行宴会了。
- For a long time he had wanted to take up writing. 很久以来,他一直想从事写作。
- He has been taking this magazine for a long time. 他订阅这种杂志已有很长时间了。
- Wood turns grey if weathered for a long time . 木材如果风干时间较长就变成灰色。
- For a long time she mulled over what he had said. 她对他讲的话反复考虑了很久。
- Mary's father had to stay in a rest home for a long time after his operation. 玛丽的父亲动手术后需要长期在疗养院休养。