- Yet,induction of diaphoresis is often used when disease is located in the exterior because perspiration is an important means of getting rid of pathogenic heat. 指出温病一面宜喜汗解,一面忌汗伤阴,理论说法不一,治疗难以把握。
- Which chinese medicine treatment,zengyechengqi soup was used in the period of disturbance of qi and blood,while daxianxiong soup and dachaihu soup were used in the period of accumulation of pathogenic heat in the yangming. 中医中药治疗 :气血败乱期用增液承气汤 ,热结阳明期用大陷胸汤合大柴胡汤方。
- The depressed market leads to the stagnation of trade. 市场萧条导致贸易停滞。
- The state of being free of pathogenic microorganisms. 无菌,无感染无病原体微生物的状态
- The effectiveness of type of stagnation of heat and dampness and Yang deficiency of Ren and Chong meridian is better than that of the other types. 治疗组中不同中医分型的对比分析,发现湿热瘀滞型与冲任虚寒型的有效率高于其他两型,但元统计学的意义。
- The depressed market results in the stagnation of trade. 市场萧条导致贸易停滞。
- This medicine has an exceptionally good effect in removing pathogenic heat and relieving convulsion. 本药清热镇惊有奇效。
- FMP tends to dispel wind and cold, and its peculiarity is dispelling pathogenic heat of the lung and opens the aperture. 小青龙汤与辛夷散皆以辛温发散之药为主,均可治疗寒饮停肺,复感风寒之证,常被用于寒性鼻鼽。
- Excessiveness in the superficies includes humid heat, stagnation of Qi and blood stasis.Deficiency in the base includes deficiency of both vital energy and Yin. 标实主要是湿热、气滞、血瘀,正虚主要是气阴两虚。
- These saddle points represent points of stagnation of the current flow. 这些鞍点代表电流的驻点。
- According to the features of pathogenic stagnation,the major syndrome of six-channel diseases of Shanghan and the differential treatment based on stagnation were discussed in this paper. 依据郁邪致病的特点仅就伤寒六经病本证因郁而发并从郁论治的体系予以初步探讨。
- It is an effective method to clear away pathogenic heat and fire with drugs of cold and cool nature, applicable to excess-heat syndromes. 它是一种用寒凉药物清除火热之邪的一种有效方法,适用于实热证。
- Stagnation of urine in the kidney pelvis seems to greatly encourage pyelitis. 看起来,肾盂内尿潴留可能大大地促使肾盂肾炎的发生。
- This paper reviews the apoptotic pathways of Pathogenic ... 因此,本文对致病真菌凋亡通路做一综述。
- Man is host to a variety of pathogenic bacteria, protozoa, and viruses. 人是各种致疾的细菌、原生动物以及病毒的宿主。
- Lord Layard and Mr Frank both blame habit and rivalry for this stagnation of morale. 莱亚德勋爵和弗兰克先生都把士气的停滞归咎于习惯和竞争。
- Identification of pathogen of apple black spot from America. 进境美国苹果果实中黑斑病病原的初步鉴定。
- The etiopathogenesis of vaginal pain is stagnation of liver-Qi, renal deficiency and humid heat blocking.The revised Qingjing Daozhi Tang has obvious effect in tseating vaginal pain. 认为肝郁肾虚,湿热瘀滞是阴痛的发病机理。治疗用清经导滞汤加减取得满意效果。
- Under the guidance of the qi and blood syndrome identifying, we consider the mechanism of Acute Cholecystitis is qi ang blood stagnation of liver and gallbladder, hinge inefficiency, heat sticking. 在气血辨证的指导下,认为急性胆囊炎病机为肝胆郁热,枢机失调;气郁血瘀,胆失通降。
- Mycoplasma is one kind of pathogens that causes sterility. 支原体是引起不育的致病菌之一。