- transfer using standard flow controln. 以标准流控制传输
- standard flow controln. [计] 标准流控制
- Welcome to the world of exotic flow control. 欢迎来到奇妙的流控制世界。
- Frame Relay Connection and Traffic Flow Control. 帧中继连接和流量控制。
- Full-bore design provides exceptional flow control. 全内径结构具有优异的流量控制能力。
- Shanghai Pusher Flow Control System Co., Ltd. 上海浦煦流体控制系统有限公司。
- Diagram the process using standard flow chart symbols. 使用标准流程图符号来绘制流程。
- Shanghai Yizhi Flow Control Equipment Co., Ltd. 上海熠智流体控制设备有限公司。
- The wind turbine generator overhauls what is the standard flow? 风机检修的的标准流程是什么?
- Be responsible for cash flow control. 负责现金流量管理。
- The process of flow control is known as windowing. 流量控制的程序被称为视窗化。
- Right-click the domain name that is listed at the top of the snap-in, and then select the Delegate Control option. 右键单击管理单元最上方列出的域名,然后选择委派控制选项。
- Demonstrates use of an in-place active menu, a stock property page, and the About box control option. 演示就地活动菜单、常用属性页和“关于”框控件选项的使用。
- Flow control and ladder diagram of PLC are analyzed. 该系统具有操作简便,自动化程度高,运行速度快、靠性高等特点。
- Another control option might be the use of a herbicide early in the growing season to remove the weeds before competition reduces crop yield. 另一种除草方法是在作物生长初期施用除草剂,不使杂草和作物竞争造成减产。
- The Positive Solution For All Your Flow Control Applications. 适用于所有流量控制领域的正确地解决方案。
- The recovery technology and standard flow of the BF sludge with hydrocyclone are introduced. 介绍高炉瓦斯泥旋流脱锌技术与典型流程;
- Control of density by mass flow controller etc. 通过质量流量控制器等来实现的密度控制。
- For example, this can occur when the. Asmx file for a Web service is deleted and the source code control option is set to always check out the working file. 例如;在删除某个Web服务的.;asmx文件时;如果源代码管理选项设置为总是签出工作文件;则可能会出现此问题。
- Request-to-Send (RTS) hardware flow control is used. 使用请求发送(RTS)硬件流控制。