- It also helps your body bend forwards, backwards and sideways, and improves the way you hold your body. 舞蹈还可以帮助你的身体前弯,后仰,两侧转动,而且还可以改进控制体态的方法。
- The body bends below the ribcage. 人物的躯干在胸腔一下开始弓起。
- Date data is written to the file using the standard short date format recognized by your system. 日期数据以系统能够识别的标准短日期格式写入文件。
- Begin with a short body scan (see page 1) by attending mindfully to the sensations of the body. 开始时通过留意身体的感觉做简短的身体扫描(见痊愈身心的觉察1)。
- A toy dog, intelligent, alert, sturdy, with a thickset, short body, a smart carriage and set-up, attracting attention by an almost human expression. 这是一种聪明、警惕而且强壮的玩具犬,身材粗短、矮小、身手敏捷。具有引人注意的类似人类的面貌。
- The short body and large front wheel steering angle so that the Book-ya very flexible, very accurate point to the front, even the novice can stop anything, in one step. 短小的车身和较大的前轮转向角度使雅力士十分灵活,车头指向非常准确,即使是新手停车也可以不费吹灰之力,一步到位。
- A body bent forward, he didn't appear to use exertion or know weariness. 尽管身体向前弯着,他并不显得费力,也毫无倦容。
- But in the tailstock tendency, the short body design causes driving not to be able to feel nearly tailstock's burden, presents not the loathsome four rounds in the curve the tendency. 而车尾动态上,短促的车身设计使驾驶几乎感觉不到车尾的负担,在弯道内呈现不拖泥带水的四轮动态。
- He remembered his mother's statuesque body bending over the gas ring to stir at something in a saucepan. 他记得他母亲高大的身子弯在煤气灶上搅动着锅里的什么东西。
- Moreover, each species had fewer individuals and short bodies, and the distribution pattern of Caragana korshinski belonged to clumped type. 各物种个体数量少,植株矮小,主要呈现集群分布格局;
- The 737-500 uses the 737-300 basic structure with a 94 inches shorter body and a revised forward and aft fairing (wing to body). 500使用了737-300的基本结构,机身短了94英寸,并且修改了前后整流罩(机翼到机体)。
- The network of green body prepared at pH 10-11 is stable and the maximum of green body bending strength is up to 53.90 MPa. 料浆呈现出剪切变稀特性;在pH值为10-11范围内;成型的坯体网络结构稳定;最大弯曲强度达到53.;90MPa。
- Mandible deformed and mandibular body bended downwards under the chincup forces; and the larger the forces were,the severer the deformation was. 颏兜牵引力使下颌骨顺时针向旋转的同时将使下颌骨发生变形:下颌枝向前弯曲,下颌体向下弯曲,且牵引力越大旋转、变形越严重。
- Upper body bends right as far as possible, right hand touching ground, left hand curving and moving snugly to armpit, then bending left. 上体尽量向右侧弯,右手触地,左手弯曲贴身向腋下移动,然后向左侧弯。
- In all experiments the body of females is longer than males, and when parasitizing in rice weevil in maize, the parasitoids has the shortest body length in both male and female. 同时,在4个系统中,均以寄生小麦中的米象或玉米象时,其子代长翅型个体数量明显大于寄生玉米中的米象或玉米象的。
- There is a standard form of oath used in lawcourts. 法庭中使用的誓词有固定的格式。
- The madman returned on his footsteps to seek anew the lost treasure, with his strength gone, his body bent, and his heart in the dust, like a tree uprooted. 疯子沿着自己的脚印走回,去寻找他失去的珍宝。他气力尽消,身体弯曲,他的心像连根拔起的树一样,萎垂在尘土里了。
- This is one of the standard books on the subject. 这是有关这个问题的权威著作之一。
- It will send you standard form for you to fill out. 它(商标局)会寄给你标准表格要你填写。
- The testing result of present test method of body bending on seat is influenced largely by leg length of testee's and the efficiency is comparatively low. 目前我国体质测量中,现行的坐位体前屈测量方法的测量成绩受被测者下肢长度影响较大,测量的有效性较低。