- Although the American Bar Association accredits only campus-based law schools at this time, there are some states that permit lawyers with online law degrees to petition to take the state bar exam. 答:某一信息是否构成商业秘密是在适用法律对事实进行认定后产生的结果,应由法院根据事实和法律作出判断,不宜委托鉴定部门鉴定。”
- New York State Bar Association 和纽约州律师协会
- The Subcommittee received views from the Hong Kong Bar Association. 小组委员会接获香港大律师公会的意见。
- After two years in practice, he was admitted to the bar association. 从业两年以后,他加入了律师协会。
- The bar association condemned the lawyer's actions but did not disbar him. 律师协会谴责了这个律师的行为,但没有取消他的律师资格。
- C. M ichael B ryce, Robert F. Seibel, Trends in C linical Legal Education, New York State Bar Journal, May/June, 1998. 中国的案例教学法与美国的朗戴尔方法有所不同:前者是把原则演绎到案例,而后者是从案例中归纳原则。
- Hong Kong has more than 750 practising barristers, whose governing body is the Hong Kong Bar Association. 香港目前有超过750名执业大律师,他们由香港大律师公会管理。
- Only lawyers who have been examined and certified by the bar association are admitted to practice. 只有通过律师协会考试并获得证书的律师才能开业。
- Hong Kong has more than 750 practising barristers,whose governing body is the Hong Kong Bar Association. 香港目前有超过750名执业大律师,他们由香港大律师公会管理。
- Arbitrator(s) must be members of the state bar where the arbitration is held, with expertise in the substantive laws applicable to the subject matter of the dispute. 仲裁员必须是仲裁地所在州的律师协会会员,具备适用于争议事由的实体法律专业知识。
- The Hong Kong Bar Association agreed, saying Beijing was making law, not interpreting it. 大律师公会同意,称中国政府是修法,不是释法。
- In 2005, Tian Yuan was awarded by China's National Bar Association "Outstanding Law Firm in China". 2005年,中华全国律师协会授予天元“全国优秀律师事务所”荣誉称号。
- Only lawyers who have been examined and certifiedby the bar association are admitted to practice. 只有通过律师协会考试并获得证书的律师才能开业。
- The Hong Kong Bar Association and the Law Society of Hong Kong each nominate four members to sit on the council of the service, which manages and administers its operations. 香港大律师公会和香港律师会各自提名属下四名会员加入当值律师服务理事会,负责服务的管理和行政工作。
- The American Bar Association advises nominees not to discuss how they might vote on issues likely to come before them. 美国律师协会建议被提名者不要讨论如何表决他们将要遇到的问题。
- The other protection linking piece on/off state bars are below this changeover bar. 在此状态条的下方就是各个其它保护功能压板投退状态条。
- Discussions were held with the Hong Kong Bar Association and the Law Society, and Council hoped to work towards this objective. 本局曾与香港大律师公会及香港律师会进行有关讨论,并希望能为实现这目标而努力。
- Students have begun collecting signatures on petitions and tried unsuccessfully to file a complaint with the American Bar Association. 学生们已经开始收集起诉的签名,。她的学生们已经开始四处搜集提起诉讼所需的签名,他们曾经希望通过美国律师协会来完成这次诉讼,但最终未获成功。
- Geri has produced medals for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Loyola-Marymount University, the American Bar Association, among others. 格日奖牌制作教区洛杉矶罗耀拉-爱乐大学、美国律师协会等。
- Three programmes of legal assistance, jointly administered by the Law Society and Bar Association of Hong Kong, are subvented by the Government. 香港律师会与香港大律师公会合办的三项法律辅导计划,均由政府资助。