- It stands there steadfast and proud. 但我和泥罐都不为所扰。
- Develop the diligence likes to learn and assiduous spirit. 发扬勤奋好学和刻苦精神。
- Gou Jian, the King of Yue, worked steadfastly and assiduously for ten years, and then finally took his vengeance. 越王勾践十年坚苦,终于洗刷了耻辱。
- It all starts with intense, steadfast and unshakeable faith. 它是由强烈的、持之以恒和不动摇的信仰开始。
- Eliza sat cold, impassible, and assiduously industrious. 伊丽莎冷冷地,无动于衷地坐着,勤奋地干着活儿。
- As secretary to his father in Europe, he became an accomplished linguist and assiduous diarist. 作为其父在欧洲任职期间的秘书,他在那里熟谙了多种语言,并开始勤勉地写日记。
- Marked by or offering devoted and assiduous attention to the pleasure or comfort of others. 关心的,体贴的留心,给予完全的、殷勤的注意使他人愉悦和舒适
- These struggles show that our working class is indeed the steadfast and time-tested revolutionary leading class. 斗争的实践证明,我国工人阶级不愧是久经考验的立场坚定的革命领导阶级。
- Morale is a state of mind.It is steadfastness and courage and hope. 士气是一种精神状况。它代表坚定不移,勇气及希望。
- No excuse” means a responsible and assiduous spirit, a submissive and honest attitude as well as perfect performance ability. 没有任何借口”体现的是一种负责、业的精神,一种服从、实的态度,一种完美的执行能力。
- He observed that no virtue was able to resist his arts and assiduity. 他说,什么道德都抵制不了他的手段和殷勤。
- The needle of understanding will yet point steadfast and unwavering to the distinct pole of truth. 理智的磁针将永远指向远处真理的磁极。
- Then indeed you would lift up your face without blemish, And you would be steadfast and would not be afraid. 15那时,你必仰起脸来,毫无瑕疵;你也必坚固,无所惧怕。
- Since entering business circles, recumbent oneself comprehension and assiduous, tu Haiming founded oneself brand, gained the favour of fortune. 进入商界以来,靠着自己的悟性和勤奋,屠海鸣创立了自己的品牌,赢得了财富的青睐。
- Although Grazia and Christophe never married, they remained steadfast and consoling friends. 虽然葛拉齐亚和克利斯朵夫两人从未结婚,但是他们彼此保持着坚定不移的、互相安慰的友情。
- I am Taurus. It says I have a patient, steadfast and reliable personality. I do! 我是金牛座.;金牛座的人个性耐心
- Because of this special mission, a lot of clever and assiduous people undertook she and whole world contact: Chinese, American, Japanese, Italian waits. 因为这个特殊的任务,她与全世界许多聪明勤奋的人进行了接触:中国人、美国人、日本人、意大利人等。
- Our conviction to principles have become more steadfast and our understanding of the question more lucid because of these setbacks. 有过反复,原则更坚定;有过曲折,认识更清晰。
- Most of them are staunch and steadfast and devoted to the Party and the country, only their approach to problems shows a "Left" one-sidedness. 这些人大都是忠心耿耿,为党为国的,就是看问题的方法有“左”的片面性。
- I hit him fair and square on the jaw. 我不偏不倚打中他的下巴。