- She scraped out the sticky saucepan. 她把粘糊糊的平底锅内壁擦干净了。
- I am uncomfortable because my body is sticky. 我身上粘粘的,很不舒服。
- Shall I tie the parcel or use sticky tape? 我把包裹捆上还是用胶带粘上?
- He is sick of this hot, sticky weather. 他厌恶这闷热的天气。
- Most gangsters come to a sticky end eventually. 大多数歹徒最终都落得个不好的下场。
- His dismissal is rather a sticky business for all concerned. 他遭解雇一事,有关的人都很为难。
- They put me in a sticky position. 他们将我置于一个困难的境地。
- His dismissal was rather a sticky business for all concerned. 他遭解雇一事,有关的人都很为难。
- I like films where the villain comes to a sticky end! 我喜欢恶有恶报的影片!
- There's some sort of sticky fluid on the kitchen floor. 厨房的地上有一种发黏的液体。
- A hot, sticky day makes a person listless. 天气闷热使人觉得身上有气无力。
- Sticky Wrappers :200g Glutinous flour, 320g Hot water, 1 tbsp Sugar, 2 tsps Oil, some Shredded coconut. 糯米?皮:糯米粉200克、热水320克、糖1汤匙、油2茶匙、椰丝适量。
- Sticky Wrappers : 200g Glutinous flour, 320g Hot water, 1 tbsp Sugar, 2 tsps Oil, some Shredded coconut. 糯米糍皮:糯米粉200克、热水320克、糖1汤匙、油2茶匙、椰丝适量。
- We're on a sticky wicket with these negotiations they could very well fail. 我们在谈判中已陷入泥淖--很可能失败。
- The boss was rather sticky about giving me leave. 老板有些不情愿让我请假。
- The paperhanger is working with sticky wallpaper. 裱纸匠正在贴着附粘胶的壁纸。
- The walls were besmeared with sticky blue paint. 墙壁涂了有粘性的蓝漆。
- Jiaozi, a steamed dumpling as pictured below, is popular in the north, while southerners favor a sticky sweet glutinous rice pudding called nian gao. 饺子,馒头,饺子的图案下面,是在北部地区非常受欢迎,而南方人青睐粘性甜糯米糕所谓念高。
- We use sticky paper tape to stick things together. 我们用胶纸把东西粘在一起。
- The grain shop is now in need of glutinous rice. 那粮店现在正需要糯米。