- The workman was adrip with perspiration. 那工人汗流浃背。
- Bertuccio's forehead was covered with perspiration. 伯都西奥的前额上满是汗珠。
- His body hair was slicked with perspiration. 他那满胸满肚的毛都亮晶晶的沾满了汗水。
- His brow glistened with perspiration. 汗水在他的前额上发亮。
- His face shines with perspiration. 她的脸因出汗而显得亮晶晶。
- To stink with perspiration 一身臭汗
- My clothes are wet with perspiration. 我的衣服汗透了。
- His chest and back were filmed with perspiration. 他的前胸和后背都是汗津津的。
- Her skin was damp with perspiration. 她的皮肤上汗津津的。
- His forehead was dripping with perspiration. 他额上在淌汗。
- You really created a holy stink with that silly remark. 你说了那种愚蠢的话,真使人反感。
- He's simply stinking with money. 他的钱简直多得发臭。
- The garden was soon stinking with burning rubbish. 园子很快就充满了烧垃圾的怪味。
- Madeleine rose,he was pale, though dripping with perspiration. 马德兰站起来,尽管满头大汗,脸色却是青的。
- People with perspiration and night sweat when sleeping. 睡眠时经常流汗,盗汗的人。
- The restaurant was soon stinking with the decayed fish. 那家饭馆很快就充满了臭鱼的气味。
- It is so hot that my clothes are wet with perspiration. 天太热了, 我的衣服被汗水湿透了。
- To live means to strive with perspiration and bloodshed. 去生活是去奋斗去付出汗水和心血。
- The fair hair that clustered round his forehead was damp with perspiration. 覆盖在他额上的美丽的头发汗湿了。
- The refrigerator stank with decayed eggs. 冰箱充满了坏鸡蛋的臭味。