- The singer and dancers stir up a lot of excitement. 歌者和舞者们令群众兴奋不已。
- Avoid stirring up a conflict needlessly. 避免挑起不必要的冲突。
- Stir up a hornet's nest. Hornet. 是黄蜂、胡蜂或者马蜂。
- Bob often stirs up a fight between the two boys. 鲍勃经常煽动这两个孩子打架。
- The wind stirred up a lot of dust. 风吹起大量尘土。
- The speech stirred up a lot of excitement. 那场演说引起很大的骚动。
- I've decided to send in an agent to gather intelligence, but if he gets caught it will stir up a hornet's nest on the diplomatic front. 我已决定派一名特工人员去收集情报,但是如果他被抓住的话,那就会给外交战线带来麻烦。
- Tom stirred up a fight between Bob and Bill. 汤姆挑动鲍勃与比尔打了一架。
- Mockers stir up a city, but wise men turn away anger. 亵慢人煽惑通城。智慧人止息众怒。
- Her bluntness stirs up a row in French politics. 拉加德的这种直爽在法国政坛上还激起了其他的波澜。
- The quiet life of wave ripples stirred up a circle. 将平静无波的生活激起一圈圈涟漪。
- Everything was fine in the beginning, but he ended up stirring up a major. 刚开始,还算是没什么麻烦。不过,最终是因为他的缘故才引起了一场巨大的灾难。
- No one likes a malicious telltale. 人们痛恨恶毒的告密者。
- The singers and dancers stirred up a lot of excitement. 歌者和舞者们令群众兴奋不已。
- His letter to the newspaper about racialism in schools has stirred up a real hornet's nest. 他给报纸写的关於学校中存在种族歧视现象的信件引起了很大的麻烦。
- His letter to the papers stirred up a real hornet's nest. 他给报界写的信着实引发了众怒。
- A malicious smile overspread his face. 他脸上堆满奸笑。
- The loss of the ball game stir up much feeling. 球赛输了引起了极大的愤慨。
- I know that I am stirring up a hornets nest of controversy by broaching this subject. 我知道挑起这个话题就像捅了马窝蜂,一定会引出很多辩论。
- He favoured her with a malicious glance. 他狡猾地瞅了她一眼。