- Xu Bohou, Li Huafeng, Duan Fabing and Li Jianlong. The application of parameter-tuning stochastic resonance in signal processing, Accepted by The Fifth Int. Conf. on Stochastic Structural Dynamics. 李华锋;鲍荣浩;徐博侯.;应用随机共振进行海洋噪声背景下的信号检测
- This paper introduces random structural parameters i nto the stochastic structural analysis. 本文将结构系统参数的随机性引入结构的随机分析。
- Newmark N M. A method for computation of structural dynamics[J]. ASCE, EM3, 1959. 张晓志;谢礼立.;一种显式动力分析的新方法[J]
- The structural dynamics, can interpret why ore-bodies of skarn and vein types are mainly in the east of contact... 从构造动力角度解释了该矿区中的矽卡岩型和脉型矿体主要产在东接触带,而斑岩型矿化主要赋存于岩体西侧浅部的原因。
- Paz, Mario, Structural Dynamics Theory &Computation, Prentice Hall, 2nd ed., Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York. 郭瑞芳,“桁架稳定之判断”,82年电子计算机于土木水利工程应用研讨会论文集,第923-930页,成功大学,1993。
- Paz, M., Structural Dynamics Theory and Computations, 3th Edition, Van Nostrand Reinhold,1985. 汤麟武,港湾及海域工程(第二版),中国土木水利工程学会,1996。
- Age structure dynamics of virgin Larix gmelini forest. 兴安落叶松原始林年龄结构动态的研究
- Technical scope includes knowledge of internal combustion engines, engine system controls, structural dynamics and statistics. 技术层面上的要求包括:具有一定内部燃烧引擎、引擎系统控制、结构动力学和统计学方面知识。
- Based on Method of Moment and Method of Weighted Residuals, a new analysis method for the stochastic structures is proposed and described as a unified form in this paper. 本文基于加权残值法和矩法的特点,提出了随机结构分析的一种新方法,并从理论上给出了其统一的表述。
- Nogami T, Novak M. Soil-pile interaction in vertical vibration[J]. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 1976,4: 277-293. 胡昌斌.;考虑土竖向波动效应时成层土中桩土纵向耦合振动理论[D]
- Mottershead J E, Friswell M I. Model updating in structural dynamics: a survey[J]. J. Sound and Vibration, 1993, 167(2):347-375. 刘学东;欧进萍.;海洋平台结构极限承载能力近似分析[J]
- Joel H Parks, Rowland Institute for Science Cambridge, Massachusetts, Structural Dynamics of Trapped Ions Clusters and DNA, 06.18. 程曜;清华大学;1、纳米科技展望;2、纳米管在微陀螺仪中的应用;07.;04
- For dynamic response sensitivity analysis of stochastic structures under random excitation, a new dynamic sensitivity assessment method is presented on the basis of the point estimation method. 对于随机激励下随机结构动力响应的灵敏度分析问题,提出基于点估计法的随机结构随机动力响应灵敏度分析方法。
- Based on the analysis of structural dynamics, the characteristics of identification of submarine main noise sources are discussed. 摘要基于结构动力学分析,讨论潜艇噪声源识别研究的特点;
- Based on its characteristics,mechanical mobility and structural dynamics,some analytical formulae for three different plate assemblies with BBD are derived. 本文基于它的作用机理和机械导纳与弹性结构动力学理论,推导了三种不同BBD板结构振动功率流的解析表达式。
- A. S. Veletsos &C. E. Ventura “Modal Analysis of Non-classically Damped Linear Systems” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 14, 1986, pp. 217-243. 赖维正“考虑设备物扭态的动力反应分析”国立台湾大学土木工程学研究所硕士论文,田尧彰教授指导,民国82年6月
- The key problems of finite element modeling and analysis of nonlinear structural dynamics for the whole firing course of towed howitzer are investigated. 摘要研究牵引火炮全发射过程非线性结构动力学有限元建模和分析中的关键问题。
- Men Fulu and Cui Jie.Influence of Building Existence on Seismic Liquefaction of Subsoils[J].Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 1997 ,Vol. 26. 陈文化等.;有建筑物存在的饱和砂土地基液化振动台模拟实研究[J]
- T. J. Ingham &J. L. Sackman ”Some Methods for The Analysis of Equipment-Structure Interaction” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 12, 1984, pp. 583-601. 吴宗翰“考虑偏心的设备物动力反应分析”国立台湾大学土木工程学研究所硕士论文,田尧彰教授指导,民国88年6月
- In this paper, the authors have made a profound research on numerical methods for structure dynamic response analysis, and presented a direct integration method to solve structure deterministic and stochastic response. 摘要对结构动力响应分析的数值积分方法进行了深入的研究,提出了一种用于求解结构的确定性和随机响应的直接积分方法。