- Make one side friend , serve a countrified hot" thought , strive without cease, realize "three labors of Jiangsu , help you to succeed "in uninterrupted growth! 交一方朋友,服务一片热土”的思想,努力不懈,在不断发展中实现“江苏三工,助你成功!”
- To strive without cease 努力不懈
- We should work on without cease in order to finish the job on time. 我们应该不停地干,才能按时完成工作。
- We must work like that without cease. 我们必须不断地像那样工作。
- It felt like we had walked for days without cease. 我们似乎觉得已不停地走了好几天了。
- We worked without cease to get the project finished on time. 我们不停地生产以便按时完成计划
- We shall work on without cease in order to finish the job on time. 我们应该不停地干,才能按时完成工作。
- The noise of the construction work went on for days without cease. 施工工地的噪声不间断地持续了很多天。
- The arms race among the superpowers is being stepped up without cease. 超级大国之间正在加紧军备竞争。
- Make an island unto yourself. Strive without delay; fast; become wise. Purged of stain and passionless, you will not come again to birth and old age. 汝宜自造安全洲;迅速精勤为智者;拂除尘垢无烦恼,不复重来生与老。
- Bronco must have been digging the wall centimeter by centimeter without cease! 布兰柯一定是一厘米一厘米不停地在墙上打洞!
- The rain poured down without ceasing. 雨哗哗地下个不停。
- His tongue ran on without ceasing. 他总是说个没完。
- On no account should we fight on day after day without cease, or be carried away by success. 决不可无止境地每日每时地斗下去,决不可被胜利冲昏自己的头脑。
- It rained all day without ceasing. 雨下了一天,一直没停。
- On no account should we fight on day after day without cease,or be carried away by success. 决不可无止境地每日每时地斗下去,决不可被胜利冲昏自己的头脑。
- They worked on without cease. 他们不停地工作下去。
- Democrats, who are a huge majority in the capital and were reinforced by countless busloads of like-minded political pilgrims, whooped it up without cease. 而在首都本来就占绝大多数的民主党人,又因一车车具有相同政治理念、不停喊着口号的朝圣者不断到来而更加声势浩大。
- It continues to burn to this day and has done so without ceasing. 从这天开始这个洞口就一直燃烧并一直没有停止过。
- The sound of songs and every sort of music filled the ears without ceasing. 笙歌聒耳。