- He may be stupid and mean, but his one saving grace is his humour. 他虽说又愚蠢又吝啬,但他有幽默的长处。
- They are ignorant but not stupid and will learn quickly. 他们没有受过教育,但并不愚笨,学起来长进会很快。
- She dressed in cheap and vulgar clothes. 她穿着廉价而俗气的衣服。
- A class of people regarded as stupid and gullible. 愚民阶级被认为愚蠢而易受欺骗的一个阶级
- Ai - How stupid and meaningless! 唉,这又是多无意识啊!
- Rafa is not stupid and I am not a magician. 拉法并不笨,而我也不是神仙。
- He depicts the sordid and vulgar sides of life exclusively. 他只描写人生肮脏和庸俗的一面。
- Jennifer: You look stupid and rich. 珍妮芙:你看上去愚蠢而阔气。
- His son is very stupid and immature. 他儿子非常的愚蠢和不成熟。
- To them, fragrance is irrelevant and vulgar -- redundant. 香味对它们来说是俗气的,附加上去的。
- Be sure to stay away from coarse and vulgar manners. 指人汇聚的场所,以及粗俗鄙陋的气息,都一定要彻底戒止。
- It is a stupid and barbarous way to extend dominion by arms. 武力不过是主权扩张的一种愚蠢而野蛮的方式。
- But Web technology also is a pain,because it's stupid and slow. 但Web技术也有令人苦恼的地方,因为它笨且慢。
- Fold knowledge into data so program logic can be stupid and robust. 表达的原则:把自己的认识放到数据里,那么程序逻辑就可以虽乏味但健壮。
- She wants it so much that she became so stupid and blind. 她那么渴望,以致到了又笨又盲目的地步。
- He may be stupid and mean,but his one saving grace is his humour. 他虽说又愚蠢又吝啬; 但他有幽默的长处.
- He may is stupid and mean, but his one saving grace is his humour. 他虽说又愚蠢又吝啬; 但他有幽默的长处.
- The plot was stupid and the script was poorly written. 情节很烂,剧本写得不好。
- Every day, he swaggers through the street, dressed in cheap and vulgar finery. 他每天穿着廉价而俗气的华丽衣服,招摇过市。
- But Web technology also is a pain, because it's stupid and slow. 但web技术也有令人苦恼的地方,因为它笨且慢。