- I was stupid enough to believe him. 我可真够糊涂的,竟然相信他的话。
- Don't be stupid enough to believe that. 不要傻到相信那种事。
- Bill is stupid enough to cut off his nose to spite his face. 比尔够傻的,因报复而伤了自己。
- He is stupid enough to hide a sugar cube in a bucket of water. 他蠢得把一块方糖藏在一桶水里。
- But that's because I was stupid enough to play football in the rain. 但是那是因为我太蠢了,在雨天踢足球。
- Rebeca kept on waiting.They're stupid enough to shoot him here,she said. 世界上最快乐的事,莫过于为理想而奋斗。
- The Chinese will ask you for anything because you may be just stupid enough to agree to it. Many are. 在谈判过程中,中国人会向你要求所有的一切,因为你会笨到把所有的东西都给方,很多人就是这么干的。
- You're feeling guilty because Wolff was stupid enough to think you'd just sit around and pine for him. 你觉得内疚,因为沃尔夫傻得以为你会干坐着为他憔悴。
- She said at the time of the laser treatment: "I'll never be stupid enough to have a man's name tattooed on me again. 茱丽曾在做激光手术时说:“我再也不会傻到把一个男人的名字纹在身上了。
- A Purple Heart just proves that were you smart enough to think of a plan, stupid enough to try it, and lucky enough to survive. 紫心勋章告诉我们你聪明到可以酝酿一个计划,愚蠢到会去尝试,运气好到能活着回来。
- There are some bitchy people in the fashion world," the designer Marc Jacobs told me one night. " But nobody is stupid enough to offend Dave. 路易威 登首席设计师马克·雅各布斯曾跟我说:“这一行的确有些人很 贱,但谁也不会贱到去得罪DAVE。”
- It is said that if you line up all the cars in the world end to end, someone would be stupid enough to try and pass them. 14.;人们说,如果你把全世界的小车首尾相接的排好,会有笨的没药医的家伙去试着通过它们。
- So yes, raise dead has its set backs for this, but no enemy hero is stupid enough to stand near their tower with 12+ enemy creeps there. 是的,召唤僵尸可以帮助这个技能,但是很少有敌人会蠢到和12个以上的地方单位站在他们的塔下面吧。
- Nefretiri: You will be king of Egypt and I will be your footstool! Moses: The man stupid enough to use you as a footstool isn't wise enough to rule Egypt. 奈菲蒂丽:你会是埃及的王,我会是你的垫脚椅子。摩西:谁会这么愚蠢将你当个垫脚椅子,此人才智不足以统治埃及。
- As one trader told me as he hawked his goods for sale in the market: "Qat is the key to peace in Yemen.Nobody would be stupid enough to meddle with that. 正如一位在市场上兜售商品的商人告诉我的:"在也门咖特是和平的关键,没有人愚蠢到想要在这个问题上捣乱的地步。"
- All of this behavior supporting the Aristocracy, only ended up making it easier for me to find people stupid enough to take the other side of my trades. 所有这一切行为支撑着上流社会,只有上涨,才使我更容易找到足够愚蠢的人欺骗我的主顾的对方当事人。
- As is usually the case with psychobabble it was a technical psychological term used out of context - not that I was sufficiently well-read (or stupid enough) to point that out at the time. 心理呓语的案例通常都属于专业心理范畴,指的不是上文提到那样的因为我博览群书(或是十分愚蠢)而提出的不属于这个时代的问题。
- It is unbelievable how stupid he is. 他真是笨得令人难以置信。
- He is a stupid or despicable person. 他是一个愚蠢或卑劣的人。
- He is so stupid that he can't so much as eat. 他蠢得甚至连吃饭都不会。