- Are Carnalism and Hedonism Yang Zhu's Idea? “纵欲”“享乐”可能是杨朱的思想吗?
- Obama’s idea is a prescription for more disasters. 奥巴马的想法是引向更大灾难的处方。
- It was B.B.'s idea originally, of course,' he added as an afterthought. 当然啦,起初这是B.;B
- It is worth asking whether Woodrow Wilson’s idea could be wisely applied now. 值得一问伍德罗威尔逊的想法可能是明智的适用于现在。
- Andre’s idea of joke was to put a young Iman and a young Naomi in my bed. 安德烈(电影中的利里比亚总统)和我开玩笑的方式,就是把两个漂亮女人放到我床上。
- Roosevelt’s idea of a treaty between industrialists and the authorities appeals to the Russian oligarch. 罗斯福对企业家与政府间协定的观念十分吸引这些政治寡头。
- Einstein' s ideas on physics have held the field for years. 爱因斯坦的物理学理论多年来一直保持其权威性.
- It was also Jeon PD's idea to have him wear the horn-framed glasses to change somewhat sharp looking image. 同时也是全导演的主意,要他戴上牛角制的眼镜框,缓和了他给人尖锐的感觉,全导演更一直细心关怀和爱护他,裴勇俊把全导演当是他的老师,由那时开始就很尊重他。
- FREUD'S IDEAS ARE also reawakening in sleep and dream science. 佛洛伊德的想法也一样重新出现在睡眠与梦的科学。
- So Kant"s idea of delimitation is embodied at most in his means of his critique philosophy. 所以康德对理性的划界这一思想最典型地体现在其批判哲学方法之中。
- Winner developed Ellul's idea of autonomous technology by proposing the concepts of technological imperative and reverse adaptation. 温纳的技术自主性思想,特别是技术命令和反向适应这两个概念,是对埃吕尔的技术自主性思想的深化和补充。
- Aristotle's idea of form could be divided into two parts, the aesthetic form (beauty was harmony) and the ontological form (hylomorphism). 亚里士多德的形式观分为审美意义上的形式(美在和谐)和本体论意义上的形式(形式质料说)。
- The author points out that, to study Fangta Garden, to grasp the designer s idea and expression approach, one must carefully study Helou Xuan. 要研究方塔园,要正确地把握设计者的创作立意与表现手法,就必须仔细分析研究何陋轩。
- The arts of Chinese Oil Painting find their defect in art"s idea and that the cognizance way is simplex and superficiality. 还有一大批现代艺术家努力在画面中表达艺术家的自我风格的意义和个性的价值。
- The bandits subject us to all sort of indignity. 强盗们对我们加以各种侮辱。
- The basal theory part gives a concise and macroscopical expounding of the distillate of TCM to guide readers quickly comprehend TMC’s idea. 本书编写特色鲜明:中医基础理论部分避繁就简,从宏观角度阐述中医的精髓,指导自学者快速领悟中医理念;
- Through analying Arendt’s idea of public sphere, This thesis, has tried to explore the meaning of public sphere on the positive modern way of life. 本文通过对阿伦特公共领域思想的分析,试图揭示公共领域对于现代人积极生活方式的意义。
- China while writing the form thing, there is lyrical pur suit that expresses one′s ideas by line who tradition paint, it is the organic result that blend of subject and object, is the reflection of the thought that “people unify on day”. 中国传统绘画的线在写形状物的同时,更有抒情达意的追求,它是主体与客体有机交融的产物,是“天人合一”思想的反映。
- He posed as an authority on that subject. 他以那个问题的权威自居。
- To their credit, Microsoft’s idea of auto-scrolling as the cursor approaches the inside edges of the enclosing scrollbox, rather than the outside, is very clever indeed. 微软做得很好,当光标接近封闭的滚动框内边界,而不是外边界时才发生滚动,这样的自动滚屏的想法的确非常聪明。