- To surpass or outdo(another, as in speed, growth, or performance. 超过如在速度、生长或表现上胜过(另一个)或比(另一个)做得好
- To surpass or outdo(another), as in speed, growth, or performance. 超过如在速度、生长或表现上胜过(另一个)或比(另一个)做得好
- To surpass or outdo (another, as in speed, growth, or performance. 超过如在速度、生长或表现上胜过(另一个)或比(另一个)做得好
- Effort or ambition to equal or surpass another. 竞争,好胜心争取赶上或超过另一个的努力或野心
- To outdo or get the better of by devious means. 赢得通过不正当的方法胜过或优于
- You seem to surpass yourself in this painting. 你在这幅画的创作上似乎超越了你自己。
- To outdo, outrun, or defeat with little difficulty. 轻易地胜过轻而易举地超过、追上或击败
- The latecomers surpass the early starters. 后来居上。
- Ever tends to outdo itself progressively. 夸张总是容易越夸越大。
- "You girls just try to outdo each other," he said. “你们这些女人们只是一个想压倒另一个,”他说。
- We will surpass in greater liberty. 我们将拥有更多的自由。
- He tried to outdo his opponents. 他试图胜其对手。
- Eager or ambitious to equal or surpass another. 竞争心强的,好胜的渴望或有雄心敢上或超过别人的
- To reach and surpass a midpoint or milestone. 到达并超越了终点或里程碑
- He tries to outdo others, similarly also combative. 他好胜,同样也好斗。
- Young people surpass old men in strength. 年轻人在气力上赛过老年人。
- Man's number attending does not surpass 20. 出席的人数没有超过二十。
- He hopes one day to surpass the world record. 他希望有一天能刷新世界记录。
- To show superiority;surpass others. 胜过显示优越性;超过其它的人或事物
- It makes writers surpass themselves. “物化”说源于庄子哲学的体道方法论。