- Anchor concreting is an effective support technique to control surrounding rock deformation and keep tunnel stability. 锚杆注浆是一种行之有效的控制围岩变形和保证巷道稳定的支护技术。
- SHEN Zhu-jiang.Simulation of rock deformation and failure by binary medium model[J].Hydroscience and Engineering,2004,(1):1-5. [10]沈珠江;陈铁林.;岩样变形和破坏过程的二元介质模拟[J]
- This paper studies the failure mechanism of roof-coal in abutment presure according to the basic principle about rock deformation and roct mechanics. 本文以岩石力学关于岩石变形破坏的基本原理为基础,研究了在支承压力作用下顶煤破碎机理。
- On the basis of mechanism of soft rock deformation,the coupled supporting principle has been deve loped in this article. 根据煤矿软岩的变形力学机制,提出耦合支护力学原理。
- Optical fiber sensor is embeded in rock layer of model to find premonitory information of rock deformation and the process of rock damage with mining. 在模拟矿山开采引起的岩层运动时,将光纤传感器埋入模型的岩层中,研究采用光纤传感技术监测岩体变形的理论和技术。
- Based on a complete stress-strain curve of the rock, an elastoplastic formula describing rock deformation failure is established. 从岩石的全应力-应变曲线出发,建立了描述围岩变形破坏的弹塑性本构方程。
- the evolution of surrouding rock stress field 围岩应力场演变
- anchorage during surrouding rock 围岩锚固
- Conventional gas reservoir simulation technique is based on Darcy's Law, and cannot accurately describe the percolation with start-up pressure gradient and rock deformation. 常规气藏数值模拟技术基于线性的达西定律,无法对启动压力梯度和介质变形的情况予以准确描述。
- The monitoring project of Zhouning Hydropower station underground plant and water intake system including monitoring of the surrounding rock deformation,bolt stress,osmotic pressure and joint. 周宁水电站地下厂房及引水系统的监测项目包括围岩变形监测、锚杆应力计监测、渗透压力监测、测缝计监测。
- During the test,the rock deformation built up a permeability drawdown cone around the wellbore of Well Kela 205,but the decline scope is small and its effect on productivity is not serious. 测试过程中岩石变形使近井区域形成了一个渗透率下降漏斗,但下降的幅度较小,对气井产量的影响也不大。
- With the single axial loading system and the infrared hot image technology,a probing test research on infrared radiation changes of the coal and rock deformation in Shanxi Shuiyu Mine was conducted. 利用单轴加载系统和红外热成像技术,对山西水峪矿的煤岩变形过程中的红外辐射变化进行了探测试验研究。
- On the basis of monitoring results obtained from the permanent lock slope of TGP, this paper presents an analysis on the characteristics of rock deformation and its effective factors. 根据三峡工程永久船闸高边坡变形监测成果,对船闸边坡岩体的变形特征及其影响因素进行了分析。
- The little tremie grouting is applicable to low-level surrouding rock; 小导管注浆多适用于低类别围岩;
- The rock deformation is plastic characteristics with low intermediate principal stress and is transferred from plastic to brittle characteristics with high intermediate principal stress. 在中间主应力较低时,岩石呈现出塑性的特征,随着中间主应力的增加,岩石逐渐由塑性向脆性转变。
- The differences in rock deformation, geomorphological evolution and fault movement phases show that the Menyuan Basin underwent four stages of tectonic movements since the Cenozoic. 地层变形、地貌发育和断裂活动分期的差异显示新生代以来门源盆地经历了4个构造运动阶段。
- rock deformation and stability measurement 岩石变形及稳定性测量
- A discrete element model of porous rock deformation 高孔隙岩石变形的离散单元模型
- The rock was honeycombed with passages. 岩石上有许多蜂窝状的小孔。
- The surrounding rock deformation of roadway 巷道围岩变形