- We will search for its telltale signs of the darkness of deep space. 并在黑暗中寻找他的蛛丝马迹.;(我们将寻找昭示它的存在的宇宙中的黑暗),
- The exploration of asteroids is becoming a focus of deep space exploration. 小行星探测日渐成为深空探测领域的一个研究热点。
- Good God captain! Those are humans floating straight toward the Borg ship with no life support suits! How can they survive the tortures of deep space? 老天哪,舰长!那些是没穿太空装的人类,直接飘往博格人的船去了!他们怎麽能在外太空中生存?
- In subsequent years, the former Soviet Union and Russia in manned spaceflight and the exploration of deep space on the left and many indelible imprint. 在以后的岁月中,原苏联和俄罗斯在载人航天、深空探测之路上又留下了诸多不可磨灭的印记。
- Core sampling drill for deep seabed shallow strata is necessary equipment in exploration of deep seabed mineral resources and survey of deep seabed geology etc. 深海浅地层岩芯取样钻机是进行深海底矿产资源勘探、深海底地质调查等不可缺少的重大技术装备。
- Some of the hottest material, residing so close to the sun that it almost vaporized, sped out to the chilliest reaches of deep space. 一些最为炽热的物质与太阳靠得近在咫尺,差不多气化了,喷涌而出,到达了最冷冽的外层太空。
- In communication of deep space, the receiving of low signal-to-noise and multi-address communication can be realized with pseudo-random code signal. 深空通信中,利用伪随机编码信号可实现低信噪比接收和多址通信。
- She continued her survey of the landscape. 她继续眺望景色。
- In recent years, following the fast progress of deep space exploration, VLBI technique has also been adopted for s/c tracking and OD in many interplanetary missions in this area. 近年来,伴随着深空探测的快速发展,VLBI技术在该地区也被用于许多行星际探测任务的卫星跟踪与定轨观测。
- They're designing interstellar spaceships capable of travel across the vast emptiness of deep space to distant stars and new planets in our unending quest to conquer and discover. 他们正在设计能穿越浩瀚的外层空间,到达遥远的恒星和新的行星,以助人类实现不断征服和揭开宇宙奥秘的追求。
- They"re designing interstellar spaceships capable of travel across the vast emptiness of deep space to distant stars and new planets in our unending quest to conquer and discover. 我们必须建造一座巨型的轨道发射台,其规模要远大于国际空间站,或者,建造一个长期驻人的月球基础,作为飞往周围恒星的“跳板”。
- Less frequently, exotic denizens of deep space would pop up -- blinding quasars and supernovae, flaring up as brightly on the bank of TV screens as entire galaxies. 偶而弹出的充满异国风情的太空深处居民 -- 如整个星系般的类星体和爆发的超新星,会另人目炫地耀亮了所有的电视屏幕。
- A survey of the property shows that the northern boundary is not correct. 对这块地产的测量表明,它北面的边界线是不正确的。
- The experience left me with a feeling of deep hurt. 这段经历给我心灵上留下了严重的创伤。
- The surveyor made a survey of the land. 测量员对土地进行了测量。
- This paper summarizes the development of deep space TT &C technology of Russia(and former USSR), and mainly introduces the current structure and technology status of Russia deep space network and the under developed CCSDS compatible TT &C equipment. 简单总结了俄罗斯(前苏联)深空测控通信技术的发展过程,主要介绍了俄罗斯深空网目前的组成和技术现状以及正在研制的尽可能符合CCSDS建议的新的深空测控设备。
- One of the US astronauts who made the first deep space walk on the moon dropped a hammer and a feather together. 一位首次在月球上进行太空行走的美国宇航员让一把锤子和一根羽毛一齐落下。
- We are pleased with our first survey of the house. 我们对那幢房子的第一次检查感到满意。
- Climate change is basically a massive, multinational conspiracy to get everyone so comfy on Earth that they never want to go to ultra-cold Mars or the even colder reaches of deep space. 气候变化基本上可说是一个广大的、多国合作的阴谋,它使人类如此享受地球的生活从而懒得跑到极其寒冷的火星乃至宇宙更远更恶劣的区域上去。
- He leisurely took a survey of the state of things. 他从容地打量了一下四周。