- Conversion to 'sym' from 'struct' is not possible. 是怎么回事呀?能不能存储成。txt形式的呀?
- Conversion to double from sym is not possible. 可能是要转变数据类型???
- Length of .comm “sym” is already #. Not changed to #. 试图对一个共用符号的长度进行重新定义。
- He was working, he had told his brother, on a new sym phony, his sixth. 他告诉他的兄弟,他正在创作一支新的交响曲,他的第六交响曲。
- Investigated the treatment of DN based on pathogenesis obtained through differentiation of sym... 据此探讨糖尿病肾病的中医辨证论治。
- It can increase the cross-flow velocity along membrane surface,and make the distribution of velocity more sym... 出水水头、污泥浓度、膜通量、混合液粘度、膜面错流流速等对膜阻力有影响。
- Features : EPG(Electronic Program Guide) Full compliant of MPEG-2 digital&DVB broadcasting Variable input sym... 型号: the box .;品牌: the box
- You agree that any claim you might have against SYM Stationery &Gift shall be brought before the courts of Hong Kong. 阁下同意阁下对信谊文具礼品提出的任何索偿须提呈香港法院解决。
- The initial sym ptoms of case 2 were bridge of nose collapsed,and protruding eyeballs 2 years la ter. 例2首发症状亦是鼻梁塌陷,2年后出现右眼突,诊断为此病。
- In this paper,we study the semigroups satisfying the cendition for Sym(S)=Aut(S) and we give some characteristic properties. 本文通过两个引理;讨论了具有Sym(S)=Aut(S)条件的半群的若干性质.
- SYM Stationery &Gift have employee's regulations that ensure they would not use client information other than appointed apply. 本公司设有员工守则,务求确保员工不会将阁下资料使用于指定的用途以外地方,并提醒员工必须将阁下的个人资料保密。
- SYM Stationery &Gift Company e-commerce operation platform is committed to safeguarding the privacy of individuals with respect to personal data. 本公司信谊文具礼品公司之电子商贸平台务求确保私人资料等有关的个人私隐。
- According to instant noodle production line features designed to SYM vibration-line screen for one of my Secretary of patent products. 根据方便面生产线特性要求设计出的SYM振动直排筛为我司专利产品之一。
- All information on the site of SYM Stationery &Gift is provided "as it is", and is subject to change without prior notice to its customers. 本网站的所有内容及资讯可于任何时候作出增加、删减、修订、更改而毋须事前知会用户。
- Any of this third party information and other linkage operation or its content provided, SYM Stationery &Gift does not bears any liability at all. 本公司对于任何不能直接控制的第三者资料或其他网站的运作或内容,概不承担任何责任。
- SYM Stationery &Gift makes no further representations, express or implied, regarding any products featured in any of its sites. 信谊文具礼品对关于本网站内任何产品之特徵不会有进一步的代表、表示或默许。
- You agree that SYM Stationary shall not be liable to you or to any third party for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of the Services. 阁下同意信谊文具礼品概不就服务之任何修改、暂停或中断对阁下或任何第三方承担责任。
- SYM Stationery &Gift Company does not provide any facility to delete your personal and company information at sym.com.hk. 本公司并不提供设施供阁下在网上删除本公司所持之个人资料。
- T he results showed that the physiol ogical foundation had high excitability of sym pathetic nerve and increase of adr enal m edullary hormone in TCM synd... 结果显示中医辨证属肝火亢盛、痰热内扰、心肝肾阴虚型,其生理基础为交感神经兴奋性增高,肾上腺髓质激素分泌增加。
- Then, eye luminance maps and chrominance maps are used in skin patches.Face candidates will consequently be obtained.Finally, face candidates are tested by trained SYM. 在肤色区域中利用眼睛的亮度图和色度图定位人脸样本,最后利用训练好的支持向量机预测人脸样本是否为人脸。