- This museum is the largest one of its kind in the world today. 这座博物馆是目前世界最大的。
- The mouse seemed to wink with one of its little eyes. 那支耗子好象眨巴着一只小眼睛。
- Being the only one of its kind; without the equal or equivalent; unparalleled. 独特的,唯一的;同样可以弄清。
- "The liger family of Xiao Er Hei and Huan Huan is now one of the largest of its kind in the world," Liu said. 刘先生最后说;由小儿黑和欢欢组成的这个家庭是世界上最大的狮子虎家族了.
- He eloped with one of his students. 他和他的学生私奔了。
- FHM said the poll was the only one of its kind voted for entirely by the British public. FHM杂志表示,调查结果全部由英国公众投票得出。
- Iridium also said it expected to replace the lost satellite with one of its eight in-orbit spares within 30 days. 铱公司还说,它期望在30天之内用八颗在轨备用卫星中的一颗来替代失去的卫星。
- They countered our proposal with one of their own. 他们针对我们的建议提出了一项相反的建议。
- The first environmental-protection NGO in Hubei Province; the only one of its kind in the Hanjiang basin. 湖北省首家民间环保组织,也是目前汉江流域唯一一家民间环保组织。
- He countered my plan with one of his own. 他用他自己的计划与我的计划抗衡。
- QDSM is the first one of its kind in China, which is an important symbol of development of Chinese sculpturing. 青岛雕塑艺术馆是中国第一座专业性、学术性的雕塑艺术场馆,是中国雕塑艺术事业蓬勃发展的重要标志之一。
- This is one of the largest and most beautiful Gothic churches of its kind in Bavaria. 该教堂是巴伐利亚最大也是最美的哥特式大教堂之一。
- I have some sympathy with that point of view. 我比较赞成这种看法。
- He's dumped his wife and gone off with one of his students. 他丢下妻子,跟自己的一个学生跑了。
- The streamlined shape of the car was one of its talking points. 这种汽车的值得称道的优点之一是它那流线型的外形。
- He greeted me with one of his whimsical smiles. 他用一种想入非非的笑来欢迎我。
- Easy with that chair,one of its legs is loose. 小心搬动那椅子,有一条腿松了。
- I have much sympathy with those homeless people. 我很同情那些无家可归的人。
- To cross(a hybrid) with one of its parents, or with an individual genetically identical to one of its parents. 反交,回交与(一混血儿)父母的一方或与其父母中在个体遗传方面完全一致的一方的杂交