- To Logout, please select "Logout" under "File" in the system menu. 请选择系统功能表“档案”下的“登出”选项。
- The control box is where the user can click to access the system menu. 控件框是用户可单击以访问系统菜单的地方。
- Select " Logout" under " File" in the system menu to exit your account. 选择系统功能表“档案”下的“登出”,用户便可登出自己的户口。
- Select "Exit" under "File" in the system menu OR click the exit button in the top right corner. 亦可选择系统功能表“档案”下的“结束”;或者可以选择右上角的关闭按钮。
- The Keyboard Access System replaces the menu accelerators from earlier versions of Access. “键盘访问系统”取代了早期版本的Access的菜单加速键。
- You can invoke all these options from the system menu (the small icon at the far left of the title bar). 你可以从系统菜单(标题栏最左边的小图标)调用所有的这些选项。
- Using the method, it can dynamically set and edit system menu according to different users or phases when the application system is running. 利用该设计方法,在系统运行过程中根据不同用户许可权或者不同时期需要,可以动态地对系统菜单进行设置和编辑。
- If it is not held down the system menu appears, which allows you to customise the display, default sound mode and power management features. 如果没有到2秒,将出现系统菜单,你可以在这里设置显示,声音模式和电源等。
- Otherwise, WM_CONTEXTMENU messages wont percolate upward. Worse, right-clicking the windows title bar will no longer display the system menu. 否则,WM_CONTEXTMENU消息不会向上过滤。更坏的情况,右击窗口的标题栏,系统菜单会显示不出来。
- This text combines the elucidation to the coding, procedure of the system menu constitution, master document edit and translate etc. made the synopsis. 本文并对系统菜单设置、主文件的编码、程序的编译等方面作了简要的说明。
- The window manager is responsible to decorating drawn windows (i.e. adding a frame, an iconify button, a system menu, a title bar), as well as to handling icons shown when windows are being iconified. 窗口管理器负责装饰画好的窗口(也就是添加框架,图标按钮,系统菜单,标题栏),以及在窗口被图标化的时候处理显示的图标。
- System menus: System menus contain the standard applications and tools that you can use in the GNOME Desktop. 系统菜单:系统菜单包含您可以在 GNOME 桌面使用的标准应用程序和工具。
- The project implements standard Windows user interface features such as a system menu, a status bar, maximize and minimize boxes, an "About" box, a standard docking toolbar, and child frames. 项目实现标准Windows用户界面功能,如系统菜单、状态栏、最大化和最小化框、“关于”框、标准停靠工具栏和子框架。
- The F9 Menu provides the same set of available functions as the K4000RC Viewer window's normal System Menu, namely those allowing the window to be minimized, maximized, moved or closed. F9菜单提供的一套可用函数,与K4000RC浏览器视窗的正规系统菜单提供的相同,即它们都允许窗口的最小化、最大化、移动或者关闭。
- The F9 Menu can also be accessed by right-clicking on the titlebar of a K4000RC Viewer window, or by left-clicking on the System Menu button in the top left of the K4000RC Viewer window's titlebar. F9菜单同样可以通过右键点仪器浏览器窗口的标题栏,或者点击仪器浏览器标题栏左边顶部的系统菜单。
- I suppose you also have a caste system in your society. 我想你们的社会里也有一种等级制度。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持异议的权利是我们政治体制的组成部分。
- Do you know how to log in to the system? 你知道怎么登录进入这个系统吗?
- Public opinion was against the old feudal system. 公众舆论反对旧的封建制度。
- The system works on the principle that heat rises. 该项装置是按照热力上升的原理运转的。