- Around all the penal law theory system of Criminal Law and Criminology, the concept of crime is the basic status.So to study on the concept of crime is significant. 摘要在刑法学、犯罪学等刑事法学理论体系中,研究犯罪概念具有十分重要的意义。
- The fundamental cause of criminal laws clash in our national autonomies lies in difference between ethnic groups,the system of autonomy and existential of autonomy rights. 民族之间的差异、民族区域自治制度及其自治权的存在是我国民族自治地区刑事法律冲突产生的基本原因。
- System of Elimination of Criminal Record and Construction of It in Our Criminal Law 前科消灭制度及其在我国刑法中的构建
- Part n: Critique about economic crime penalty system of the current Criminal Law. 第二部分:现行刑法中经济犯罪刑罚体系评析。
- In addition,when ratifying the misjudged cases,we should strictly obey the essential system of criminal lawsuits and law procedures. 纠正错案,必须遵循刑事诉讼的基本制度,严格遵守法定程序。
- Voluntary surrender is an important system of penal institution in criminal law of China. 自首制度,是我国刑法中的一项重要刑罚制度。
- After the recidivism system of the criminal law in our country was revised in 1997,it gets further development and perfection. 我国刑法的累犯制度在1997年修改之后,得到了进一步的发展和完善。
- The thorough understanding of the nol pros types of Section 2, Item 142 of the current Criminal Law is the difficulty in and key to understanding the system of nolle prosequi. 深刻理解现行刑诉法第142条第2款规定的不起诉类型,是正确认识不起诉制度的难点和关键所在。
- To do some research and analysis on embezzling the mislaid property in criminal law, it is necessary to combine the system of the lost property in civil law. 摘要对我国刑法分则侵占罪中遗忘物进行研究,必须结合民法遗失物制度进行。
- The creation and existence of the system of criminal advocacy have a profound philosophical foundation. 刑事辩护制度的产生和存在有着深刻的哲学基础。
- The system of announcing the death sentence with a two-year reprieve and forced labor,as provided in China's Criminal Law,is an original creation in the application of capital punishment. 死刑缓期执行制度是中国刑法在死刑适用上的一个独创.
- The system of announcing the death sentence with a two-year reprieve and forced labor, as provided in China's Criminal Law, is an original creation in the application of capital punishment. 死刑缓期执行制度是中国刑法在死刑适用上的一个独创.
- So some legists suggest we can adapt the system of plea bargaining of America to improve the facility procedure of criminal adjudgement of China . 于是有些法学家建议采用美国的辩诉交易制度来改进我国的刑事审判简易程序。
- The combination of fixing structure of automatic inversion with the synergetic theory will lead a learn system of criminal inversion mapping. 自动推理定映结构和协同推理的有机结合,会产生犯罪映射反演的学习系统。
- Rendering meritorious service system is an important penal system of our criminal law.It has great importance to improve criminal's idea quality and realize criminal law's educational function. 立功制度是我国刑法中一项重要的刑罚制度,对于促进犯罪分子改恶从善,重新做人,实现我国刑法的教育功能具有重要意义。
- A law court or system of law courts; a judiciary. 司法,司法系统法庭或法庭制度; 司法系统,司法部
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- As the one of the most important part, the system of criminal evidence discovery is changing together with the criminal suit mode and the adjudgement system. 而刑事证据开示制度作为诉讼模式和审判制度改革的重要一环一直伴随其中。
- As the system of criminal trial in China is being changed from inquisitional into adversary;to construct discovery system has become an urgent problem to be solved. 随着我国刑事庭审方式由法官主导的审问制向控辩双方主导的对抗制转变,构建刑事证据开示制度也已成为我国刑事诉讼亟待解决的迫切问题。
- On these islands a system of barter is used. 在这些岛上仍然实行着物物交换的制度。