- 提出了一种支持软件过程控制与改进的主动度量模型 AMM(active measurement model)和度量方法.This paper presents an active measurement model (AMM) for software process control and improvement, and the related measurement method.
- 在Visual Basic6.0环境下,利用Measurement Studio6.0及其附件IMAQ Vision6.0编制了数据和图像信号的采集与处理程序。Under the environment of Visual Basic6.0, using Measurement Studio6.0 and its add-on tool IMAQ Vision6.0, designed the data and image acquisition and process programs. This research includes four parts.
- 随着计算机技术的飞速发展MC3一体化(Measurement、Control、Communication、Collection)将会成为独立仪器发展的一个方向,尤其在遥测领域。As the fast development of the computer technology ,The MC3 Integration (Measurement , Control, Communication , Collection) will be the trend of independent apparatus ,especially in the remote sensing area .
- 提出了一种分布式网络测量与分析基础架构(Distributed Network Measurement and AnalysisInfrastructure,DNMAI),采用层次化模型,模块化设计、易扩展。A Distributed Network Measurement and Analysis Infrastructure (DNMAI) is presented and implemented partially, which is designed hierarchically and easy to extend.
- 基于全球定位系统(Global Positioning System,GPS)的同步相量量测单元(Phasor Measurement Unit,PMU)是一种新型的量测装置,该装置可以直接量测节点电压相量。The synchronous phasor measurement unit (PMU) based on global positioning system (GPS) which can directly measure the nodal voltage phasors is a new type of measurement device.
- 第3章介绍了保证此系统正常工作的软件系统,它包括底层驱动、CAMAC(Cumputer Automated Measurement And Control)标准函数和图形用户界面GUI(Graphical User Interface)。The prime contents of the third chapter is the software system, including the hardware driver, the standard functions of CAMAC ( Cumputer Automated Measurement And Control) , and the GUI (graphics user interface), which ensures the system work well.
- 资料来源:应用计算机检索Pubmed数据库2000-01/2006-12相关钙荧光探针方面的文献,检索词“calcium fluorescent indicators,calcium measurement”,限定文献语言种类为English。DATA SOURCES:Using the key terms of "calcium fluorescent indicators,calcium measurement",we searched the Medline database in English from January 2000 to December 2006 for the articles related to calcium fluorescent indicators.
- 该测控软件以Delphi7.0为平台,引入Measurement Studio软件所提供的ActiveX虚拟仪器控件和Flash动画界面,构成了具有WindOWS操作风格、虚拟仪器测控界面和工艺流程动画显示为一体的计算机测控软件.A Windows-like measurement and control software is developed with Delphi7.0. The ActiveX virtual instrument components of measurement studio and the dynamic flow chart of Flash are integrated in this system.